Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Rand Paul seeks to establish protections for vets, seniors on NICS list
by Chris EgerThe Kentucky Republican has introduced legislation to allow more due process for those reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System by the VA and Social Security Administrations.
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Ron Paul’s weekly message: ‘More guns plus less war equals real security’ (VIDEO)
by Joey ClementineEvery week, Texas Rep. Ron Paul records his weekly column on a voicemail connected to an 800 number. On Nov. 3 Paul discussed renewed calls for gun control following tragic shootings in Canada and Washington state, which enable the “gun control lobby to smear Second Amendment supporters as ‘pro-terrorist.'” [ Ron Paul Institute ]
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End The Fed By Ron Paul
by AmmolandIn the post-meltdown world, it is irresponsible, ineffective, and ultimately useless to have a serious economic debate without considering and challenging the role of the Federal Reserve..
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Of Third Party Candidates and Voting For Real Change
by AmmolandSo what to do? You have three options, vote for Obama and doom us for sure, vote for your current third party favorite, which is a vote for no one or vote for the republican candidate...
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Will GOP Candidates Say Anything Genuine About Gunwalker In Tonight’s Debate?
by David CodreaIf the Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal is brought up in tonight's GOP presidential debates, will any of the candidates offer anything beyond meaningless platitudes?
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The Federal Reserve Rip-Off
by Alan CarubaThe Federal Reserve System (the Fed) is a privately owned banking cartel and one granted the right to create money out of thin air...
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Citizen Gun Group Endorses Ron Paul for President
by Gary MarbutCiting continuing high poll numbers in spite of a media blackout, MSSA says that Ron Paul is the only candidate who offers a chance to save our Nation as a country of free people...
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Stand with Ron Paul – End Criminal Safezones with H.R. 2613
by AmmolandCongressman Paul’s “Citizens Protection Act of 2011” would repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and remove all federal “Criminal Safezones.”..
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Ron Paul Legislation Protects School Children from Mass Murderers
by AmmolandThe “Citizens Protection Act of 2011” (H.R. 2613), which will repeal the Kohl amendment and thus remove the federally created criminal safety zones...
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Bill To Repeal The Federal Gun Free School Zones Act Introduced
by AmmolandThe Fed Federal Gun Free School Zones Act effectively prohibits all forms of unlicensed carry, and does not recognize concealed carry reciprocity agreements between states...
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Gun Rights Champion Ron Paul Comes to Iowa
by AmmolandIowa Gun Owners would like to inform you that Texas Congressman Ron Paul will be in Iowa in a few weeks speaking on freedom and his organization's fight to restore liberty...
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Gun Rights Politics is About Precinct Organizing, not YouTube Clips
by AmmolandThey care nothing about the right to self-defense or those they hurt by refusing to allow honest Americans to carry firearms...
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