Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

11 Of Iowa’s Best Sheriffs Endorse the 2022 Freedom Amendment ~ Vote YES!

The Freedom Amendment, if approved by voters, will add the right to keep & bear arms to Iowa's state constitution. Flip the ballot over & vote for Iowa’s Freedom Amendment.

Monroe County, Iowa Loses in Court Pays Iowa Firearms Coalition $100,000.00

Monroe County, Iowa, loses & agrees to pay the Iowa Firearms Coalition $100,000 in restitution for violating the 1st Amendment rights of the pro-gun nonprofit & one of their members.

Iowa RKBA Constitutional Amendment on the Ballot for 2022

Iowa is one of only 6 states without the explicit protection of the right to keep & bear arms in its Constitution. An amendment will be on the ballot for the 2022 election.

Hundreds Of Iowans To Take Part In “Second Amendment Day” At The Capitol

Hundreds of pro-Second Amendment Iowans from across the Hawkeye State will descend on the Capitol on February 24th 2022 for "Second Amendment Day"!

Can Senator Ernst Alter the Violence Against Women Act & Honor the 2A?

Constituents must let Ernst know things like federal grants to fund gun seizures, Red Flags confiscation orders, funding to further gun control aren’t what we want.

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds (R) Signs Constitutional Carry Expanding Gun Rights

"We will never be able to outlaw or prevent every single bad actor from getting a gun, but what we can do is ensure law-abiding citizens have full access to their constitutional rights...

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Iowa Joins Constitutional Carry Movement – The Long Journey ~ VIDEO

Iowa has become the 19th state in this great nation to embrace and codify Constitutional Carry into their state law. The right to carry guns expands again in America!

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Iowa: Dispute Over State Gun Law Will Likely Prove Costly For County Taxpayers

Monroe County’s decision to sue someone because he simply asked his local government to follow the law is truly outrageous. We will ask the court to hold them accountable for their unconstitutional ac

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Iowa Constitutional Carry Bill Passes House

The Iowa House has passed a gun law reform bill that includes Constitutional Carry. Chances look good for passage in the Senate, and signature by the governor.

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Iowa Moves Forward on Constitutional Carry in 2021

Iowa is becoming a strong contender to enact Constituional Carry. The bill would restore right to align the state with the proposed Constitutional Amendment, up for vote in 2022.

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Iowa Gun Battle: Four Wounded, One Killed, Confusion, Bad Judgement, and Alcohol

On 30 May, 2020, a violent drunk attacked a legally armed man who was attempting to leave, after searching for a supposed attacker. The attack lead to a gun fight where 1 was killed and 3 wounded.

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