Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Right to Arms Amendment will be on Iowa Ballot in 2022

Iowa is one of six states which do not have a constitutional amendment protecting the right to keep and bear arms. An amendment is scheduled to be on the ballot in 2022.

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Iowa Moves Forward with Constitutional Amendment Protecting Right to Arms

The Iowa legislature is moving forward with a state constitutional amendment to protect the right to keep and bear arms. Passage seems likely. Final passage requires a referendum in 2022.

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Iowa Legislature Pass Preemption and Range Protection Legislation

HF 2502 has passed the Iowa legislature, the bill restores and protects Second Amendment rights from local government infringement.

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Iowa: Range Protection & Preemption Bill to Senate Floor

On March 9th, 2020, the Iowa Senate Judiciary Committee passed House File 2502 to protect shooting ranges from being shut down by unreasonable local ordinances across the state.

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Iowa Range Protection & Strengthened Preemption Bill Passes House

The Iowa House has passed a gun law reform bill to strengthen Iowa's preemption law and to protect the right to bear arms in Iowa public buildings.

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Iowa Bill for Permit Holders to Keep Guns in Locked Vehicles Advances

Iowa lawmakers are advancing a bill to protect the rights of carry permit holders to keep guns in their locked vehicles in parking lots.

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Iowa Range Protection/Preemption Law Introduced in Legislature

A range protection and strengthened preemption bill has been filed in the Iowa legislature.

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Iowa Stun Gun Bill on Campus Waiting for Governor’s Signature

The Iowa legislature has sent to Governor Reynolds a bill that is a mild, incremental step to restore the rights of Iowa residents to self defense on the campuses of institutes of higher learning.

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Iowa: Time Running Out To Support Critical Self-Defense Legislation

The Iowa state House of Representatives has the opportunity to ensure that law-abiding citizens are able to defend themselves & loved ones. Unfortunately, they have still not brought up the Family De

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Iowa: Both Chambers Pass Right to Keep & Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment

On March 13th, 2019 the Iowa state Senate voted 33-16 to pass Senate Joint Resolution 18 to propose an amendment to the state Constitution affirming and recognizing the right of Iowans’ to keep and be

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Iowa Secretary of State Error Sets Back Right to Keep & Bear Arms Amendment

The Iowa Constitutional Amendment to protect the Right to Keep and Bear Arms suffered a setback through an error by the Secretary of State.

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Critical Update: Major Blow to Iowa RKBA Amendment Efforts

My fellow Iowans, I have unexpected and bad news to report. Less than 48 hours ago, I learned that last year Iowa Secretary of State Pate’s office failed to uphold their duty for legal publication...

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