Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Iowa RKBA Constitutional Amendment has good Chance in New Legislature

Iowa is in the process of adding a Right to Keep and Bear Arms amendment to their state Constitution. The critical point is passing the Iowa House in 2019. The Republicans have a 54 to 46 majority.

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Iowa Firearms Coalition 2018 Midterm Recap

On the whole, the Iowa Firearms Coalition had an excellent night. Rather than drone on and on about various races I'll boil this down to the key points:

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Hunt Giant Whitetails in Iowa! Nonresident Tag Auction to Benefit SCTP

This auction is for One Iowa Special Non-Resident Deer Tag, good Statewide for Archery, Gun season one, Gun season two, or the Late Muzzleloader season during either 2018 or 2019 Iowa deer season.

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Proof California Gun Control Agenda Adopted By Iowa Gun Grabbers

Unfortunately, diminishing your Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Iowa is becoming a bigger and bigger priority for one political party.

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Iowa Legislature moves Toward Right to Arms Constitutional Amendment

Iowa is in the process of adding a constitutional amendment to protect the right to keep and bear arms at the state level.

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Iowa: House Passes Right to Keep and Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment

Only five other states do not have a right to keep and bear arms amendment in their state Constitution, including California, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, & New York.

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Constitutional Carry for Iowa?

I have a particular interest in Iowa because I was deeply involved in an effort to pass Constitutional Carry there in 2010.

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Iowa Constitutional Amendment Passes Sub Committee

Iowa is one of only six states that do not have a state constitutional provision that protects the right to keep and bear arms in some way..

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IA: 17-Year-Old Shoots Mountain Lion in Self Defense

Jake Altena was hunting deer in Iowa, on private property near the Little Sioux River. Jake is 17 years old. He started hunting when he was 12.

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Iowa Firearms Coalition Response to Recent Natural Disasters, Tragedies

The Iowa Firearms Coalition has organized two Immediate Casualty Care classes in Iowa. These courses will teach emergency response and patient management.

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Wilson Combat’s Mandy Bachman Defends Her Title

Competitive shooter Mandy Bachman traveled to Elkhart, Iowa to defend her High Lady title at the Iowa State IDPA Championship.

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