Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
The Left’s Linguistic War
by Newt GingrichWe are entering a dark period where freedom of speech becomes intimidation by the Left, where freedom of association becomes mobs threatening violence
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Lame Ducks: WWDD – What Would Democrats Do?
by Jeff KnoxThe election results were disappointing for GunVoters, but they weren't the disaster that many predicted, and that was certainly a possibility.
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The Good Hands People
by A.F. BrancoWhen Democrats fall behind in the vote count they seem to count on their insurance policy Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes.
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Judge’s Ruling Solidifies Kemp’s Election Day Victory as Georgia Governor
by AmmolandThe Judge rejected efforts by Stacey Abrams and her radical allies to undermine the democratic process and rule of law in Georgia." "He slammed the door on attempts to count illegal votes"
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Down For The Count, & Count, & Count…
by A.F. BrancoThere appears to be no end to the counting of ballots, meaning, It ain’t over til the Democrat wins in Florida’s Broward County.
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Ballot Hunt
by A.F. BrancoDemocrats call for “every vote to be counted” is nothing but a dog whistle for we need to find more votes no matter how.
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Nevada Blue Wave
by Michael RamirezNevada voters have chosen the state's first Democratic governor in two decades. Seems Nevada is feeling the effects from an infection of new California voters.
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Brace For Impact
by A.F. BrancoFunny how recounts and last minute ballot discoveries always seem to benefit the Democrats. This isn’t the first time there have been election shenanigans by Brenda Snipes in Broward Co Florida.
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The Party of Illegal Immigrants, Fake Votes, and Stolen Elections
by AmmolandAfter all their feigned worries about Russia influencing the election, Democrats will end up stealing a lot more votes than Putin ever dreamed of taking.
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CCRKB Congratulates Second Amendment U.S. Senate Victors
by Alan GottliebThe Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today congratulated three new pro-Second Amendment senators who replace anti-gunners and strengthen the Republican majority.
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Iowa Firearms Coalition 2018 Midterm Recap
by AmmolandOn the whole, the Iowa Firearms Coalition had an excellent night. Rather than drone on and on about various races I'll boil this down to the key points:
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A Blue Ripple, A Red Senate Wall & What It Means for the Gun Industry
by AmmolandExpect hearings on taxpayer-funded gun violence research, magazine restrictions, ammunition bans, age-based gun bans and attempts to outright ban entire classes of firearms.
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