Iowa – -( We’ve got a lot to talk about after this weeks elections. On the whole, the Iowa Firearms Coalition had an excellent night. Rather than drone on and on about various races I’ll boil this down to the key points:
Election Recap – the critical info:
- Federal races – Democrats won 3 of 4 races for the US House of Representatives
- Governor’s Race – Gov. Kim Reynolds won and will continue serving as Iowa’s first female governor
- Iowa Senate – Republicans picked up seats and further grew their majority – 32-18
- Iowa House of Representatives – Republicans lost a handful of seats but maintain their majority – 54-46
You can find results from all the Iowa races at Secretary of State’s election results page.
Don’t overlook this: The Iowa Firearms Coalition was active in more than a dozen toss-up races statewide. IFC-PAC ads were delivered to more than 145,000 Iowans, and we had direct contact with more than 15,000 voters
For the first time, IFC-PAC (our political arm) made significant monetary donations to 17 pro-gun owner candidates, helping propel 14 of them to victory
Keep in mind what we were up against:
- Billionaire meddler extraordinaire Michael Bloomberg poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into Iowa. We stopped him.
- Amber Gustafson, head of Iowa’s gun control movement, did everything she could to unseat Jack Whitver in Senate District 19. We stopped her.
- Kamala Harris, Eric Swalwell, Cory Booker all parachuted into Iowa to assist Iowa’s gun control candidates. We stopped them.
- Iowa’s gun control candidates went to New York City, cozied up to coastal elites and raised thousands of dollars in out-of-state money for their campaigns. We stopped them.
- Shannon Watts tried to prop up the gun control movement in Iowa. We put a stop to that.
- The Iowa Democratic Party dove headfirst into California-style gun control. Bans, registration, Permit to Carry rollbacks, they wanted it all. We stopped them.
We put a stop to all that not just because we had money, lots of candidates and organizations had way more money to throw around than we did. We stopped all that because good, freedom-loving Iowans stood up when it mattered. Our people voted, but more importantly, they got others to vote. While Michael Bloomberg was shoveling his money into Iowa gun control campaigns, IFC volunteers were pouring themselves into their work. Working hours upon hours, doing thankless grunt work – working “second shift for freedom” as some of my friends call it. When the out-of-staters rolled into Iowa trying to convince us to be more like them and adopt their values and way of life our members pushed back, set the record straight and educated those around them. While Iowa gun control pushers flew to New York City to film ads with East Coast filmmakers, our supporters were throwing down and donating to IFC-PAC as they have never done before, literally investing in their Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Last night we proved, yet again, that Iowans value their liberties and limiting our freedoms is a path to the Loss column. As we roll in the 2019 legislative session expect IFC to lead the way on several pro-gun owner bills.
One More Thing…
The new class of legislators is about to meet on Friday and will establish priorities for the next session. We must push to get the Freedom Amendment on their radar as soon as possible!
Reach out to your new legislators as soon as possible by phone, social media or our email platform!
CLICK HERE to send your legislators a message demanding they prioritize the Freedom Amendment and more in the next session!
We’re accomplishing big things here in Iowa. Things that many thought we’d never be able to do thanks to your continued support. Thank you, truly, thank you.
Kurt Liske
President, Iowa Firearms Coalition
About Iowa Firearms Coalition:
Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC) is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, Second Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Concealed Weapons Permitting process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports.
Sign up for our email list for the latest on Second Amendment issues in Iowa. You can support our work by becoming a member, or making a donation.
Founded in 2010, the Iowa Firearms Coalition is a non-partisan, single issue, civil rights organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing the Second Amendment rights of all Iowans.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please e-mail us at
Iowa Firearms Coalition Inc.
PO Box 705
Ames, IA 50010-0705
For more information, visit their website.