Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
There Can Be No Negotiating on the Right to Arms — with Hate Groups or with Anyone
by David Codrea
A literal hate group...? Don’t take my word for it, take theirs from their three-year-old pinned tweet: “RT if you hate the NRA”
RINOs Surprised? Biden Administration Stabs Gun Control Partners in the Back
Hard lessons should not be lost on stupid "pro-gun legislators" who once more were too quick to trust “allies” who long ago abandoned bipartisan consensus to resume their anti freedom agenda.
Massachusetts: Major Pro-Gun Rally On August 27th, 2023
On August 27th, Massachusetts's Gun Owners Action League will be holding a "2A Freedom Celebration" in Quincy, MA. to rally against gun control.
FEC Settles with NRA for $25,000 Over Concealed Documents
by F Riehl, Editor in Chief
After a court fight, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has agreed to pay the National Rifle Association (NRA) the sum of $25,000 in lawyers' fees over hidden documents.
David Dell’Aquila’s Tough Love Approach to NRA
by Jeff Knox
Dell’Aquila began looking closer at where his NRA donations were actually going, he began asking questions about how his & other members’ money was being spent?
Yet Another Loss for the NRA & the Brewer Law Firm
by Jeff Knox
Another swing & a miss for the NRA & their over priced hack attorneys at the Brewer law firm, this time in a motion to intervene in a case brought by the Second Amendment Foundation.
NRA Shows Up Late & Screws ‘Freedom To Carry’ Bill for NC Gun Owners
by Paul Valone
Paid NRA lobbyist swooped in at the last minute &, like a vulture, deposited a large load of dung onto the efforts of the activists who were actually getting things done.
Once More Into the Breach: Trying to Save the NRA
by Jeff Knox
Then in a surprise move, the board elected Bob Barr to replace Willes Lee as First VP. Without the Bylaw change, Lee could have been elected NRA President.
Old Guard NRA in Florida Not Helping as Pro-Gun Groups Push for Expanded Gun Rights
by Lee Williams
Florida Carry strongly supports the current legislation, HB-543 & SB-150, & we have always supported any advancement in the right to bear arms.
Dear National Rifle Association, You Are So Dumb! ~ Signed Montana
by Gary Marbut
The NRA is so desperate for relevance that it chose to wing this effort without talking to knowledgeable people in Montana...
NRA-ILA Ledership Changes & Republicans Are in Trouble
by Jeff Knox
Younger gun owners now perceive the NRA as a “Fudd” organization, more focused on “sporting purposes” than on preservation of the Second Amendment as a natural right.
The Late Great National Rifle Association …R.I.P.
by F Riehl, Editor in Chief
Historians & columnists will report in future years that the NRA was destroyed from within by the greed of NRA Management & by the lack of oversight by the NRA Board of Directors...
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