Of Third Party Candidates and Voting For Real Change

By Fred Riehl

What Should Ron Paul Do Now?
What Should Ron Paul Do Now?

Manasquan, NJ –-(Ammoland.com)- Among those who do not support Obama but are fearful of Romney, I see a lot of chest-thumping about how you are beating the evil republican or communist incumbent, by supporting a third party, Libertarian, or Green Party candidate.

The truth is a third-party candidate has ZERO chance of winning, that is just the cold hard facts and it has nothing to do with if they are a better choice, which they may be, but no amount of wishing on your part can change that. They do not have enough money, they do not have enough organization and, really, no one knows who they are. So they stand no chance of winning.

Ron Paul (still a candidate for GOP party nomination but always with the option to run as an independent), is the one exception to the paragraph above, he knows this fact, and is a good example of someone picking the lessor of two evils. He knows that he can not win and that is why he has dialed back his campaign and allowed his support to subtly, fall behind Romney, HE KNOWS HE WOULD ONLY SPLIT THE VOTE. (Que the Paul Bots; Hardcore supporters will dispute this, but a tip of his hand is the curent pole on his web site titled “What Should Ron Paul Do Now?” this is Paul letting his supporters down easy as he moves away from splitting the vote.)

So what to do? You have three options, vote for Obama and doom us for sure, vote for your current third party favorite, which is a vote for no one, based on the facts above – you might as well stay home and not vote or vote outright for Obama – because your vote will have no effect on getting someone different elected.

Last is to vote for the Republican candidate, at least this way, we can pool our vote to make a change that moves away from Obama’s flawed view of America.

“Yeah but I can’t stand the Republican choice!” you say.  Do you oppose him that much more than Obama? Ask yourself if the values of the GOP candidate are closer to my beliefs than Obama’s, or can I find some stand on the issues that I share with Romney that I can vote for him even if he is not my first, or even second, choice. The logical answer would be Yes!

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.” ~ SPOCK, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Keep supporting your Third-Party Candidate, but in the privacy of the voting booth, think hard and put your vote where it can make a difference. Then work to get your candidate more money, more visibility, and more support for the next election and make your change then.

This election is too important to leave to the “chance” that someone better might win! Our current President is a “Clear and Present Danger” and steps need to be taken to stop his re-election – FIRST. Then work for real change after the bleeding has stopped.

Ask yourself are you All In in 2012?

#gunvote Button
All in in 2012

About Fredy Riehl:
Fredy is the founder and editor of AmmoLand Shooting Sports News and a certified “Gun Nut”.

Fredy Riehl