Stand with Ron Paul – End Criminal Safezones with H.R. 2613

Stand with Ron Paul – End Criminal Safezones with H.R. 2613

Gun Free Zones
Stand with Ron Paul - End Criminal Safezones with H.R. 2613
National Association for Gun Rights
National Association for Gun Rights

Colorado ––( “Courage is being scared to death — but saddling up anyway.”

That’s one of my favorite quotes of all time from one of my favorite actors of all time, John Wayne.

He was right …

… there are times when we all have to do things that we are scared of or aren’t comfortable with, but go forward with anyway.

The fact is, gun rights activists like you and me are under constant assault.

Most of the assaults are perpetrated by left-wingers in the media who despise guns.

Let’s face the facts — they carry the water for gun-grabbing politicians throughout this country.

And, of course, the gun controllers in academia are brain-washing American students to think that “guns are bad/evil/fill in the blank.”

There is nothing you and I can do about that except organize at the grassroots level in defense of our gun rights.

Very few elected politicians will stand up in the face of left-wing assaults and do what’s right. One of those politicians is Congressman Ron Paul of Texas, a long-time Second Amendment advocate.

I’ll be honest with you, I don’t think he really has to muster up any courage to “do what is right” when it comes to fighting the gun grabbers. I don’t think he cares what the media says.

That’s refreshing.

We need more elected officials who will defend our gun rights and not think such actions are “courageous” at all.

I wanted to write and inform you of Congressman Ron Paul’s “Citizens Protection Act of 2011.”

The bill number is H.R. 2613.

As you may know, since 1990, the federal government and Congress has designated ALL school zones “gun free.”

I call them “Criminal Safezones.”

You and I know that criminals and thugs don’t care what laws or restrictions or road blocks anyone puts up.

When a thug wants to murder or wreak havoc, no law or posted metal sign declaring an area “gun free” will deter them.

And for those of us gun owners who carry every day, we’re left defenseless in the face of a rampaging criminal, intent on doing significant harm.

Congressman Paul’s “Citizens Protection Act of 2011” would repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and remove all federal “Criminal Safezones.”

I’m personally asking you to call Congressman Paul’s office today and thank him for introducing H.R. 2613.

Here’s the number: 202-225-2831

And once you are finished making that call, please call your Congressman at 202-224-3121 and make it known that you support H.R. 2613.

Send a message to Congress that “Criminal Safezones” are nothing more than federally-protected target practice locations for those willing to do harm to innocents.

I know you don’t need courage to pick up the phone and tell Congress what you believe about our gun rights.

Most so-called “pro-gun” politicians need to “saddle up” and do what is right even in the face of left-wing assaults.

Make those calls today.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens’ organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights’ mailing address is P.O 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is

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