Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Iowa Firearms Coalition: Action Alert and 2015 Legislative Update

This year things are going to be different in Iowa. Gun banner Rob Hogg is no longer the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee...

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57,000 Businesses Fight Back, Post ‘Guns Welcome’ Signs On Front Door

Despite Moms Demanding Action for Gun Sense ongoing push to shame businesses into banning guns in their stores, 57,000 businesses have posted Guns Welcome or similar signs on their front doors...

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CCRKBA Welcomes Washington State Police Group’s Support for Initiative 591

The CCRKBA expressed gratitude for the important support of a key law enforcement organization for Initiative 591; backed by a coalition of gun rights supporters, of which they are a member.

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GOA Bringing Pro-gun Victim to Testify Before Congress

Rob Young was one of the children who were injured. Today he is a sworn law enforcement officer in the state of California. But unlike politically-appointed police chiefs who are in the news calling for tougher gun legislation, Rob has a different message...

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Missouri NRA License Plate Possible This Year

Senate Bill 480, legislation relating to motor vehicle regulations and transportation, has been amended to provide for a Missouri NRA license plate to support your Second Amendment rights and activities in the Show-Me State...

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Support for Starbucks Concealed Carry Letter

An endless number hoplophobic groups of anti-gun bigots is proposing to hijack Valentines Day to boycott Starbucks for not discriminating against law-abiding gun-owning customers...

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Virginia Citizens Defense League 2011 Candidate Surveys Out Now

The VCDL 2011 Candidate Survey was mailed to all the candidates for Virginia Senate and House of Delegates in the upcoming Party nominating processes...

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