Iowa Firearms Coalition: Action Alert and 2015 Legislative Update

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Iowa Firearms Coalition
Iowa Firearms Coalition

IOWA – -( Fellow Iowans: Take action now — email your legislators to let them know your stance on 2nd Amendment issues before the 2015 legislative session begins!

In just over a month Iowa’s 86th General Assembly will convene in Des Moines. Our lawmakers need to know from the very beginning that we have certain expectations. That’s why we’ve created our Legislative Action Center. It lets you find exactly who your legislators are and makes it easy for you to establish contact with them. If you’re not exactly sure how to put your thoughts into words we offer pre-written the emails for you to send (CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION NOW).

This can’t be stressed enough: making frequent contact with your legislators is one of the most effective ways to protect your rights, and the Iowa Firearms Coalition wants to make that process as easy as possible.

On January 12th 2015 we begin a new legislative session, and with the NRA and your help we plan to chart new territory. In recent years we’ve had limited success passing pro-2nd Amendment bills. It’s not because those bills lacked strong support. On the contrary, they generally had a huge backing. But one anti-gun legislator, Senator Rob Hogg of Cedar Rapids held a key position in the legislature, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. From there he used procedural measures to block every bill that the Iowa Firearms Coalition and the NRA supported.

This year things are going to be different though. Rob Hogg is no longer the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He’s been replaced by Steve Sodders of State Center. Sodders is a Marshall County Sheriff’s Deputy. In recent years he’s supported some of our bills. But he’s also opposed others. Let’s make sure Steve Sodders knows full well that Iowans believe strongly in our 2nd Amendment rights and will fight any attempt to infringe on those rights.

We’ve just activated a pre-session action titled “2nd Amendment supporter looking forward to the upcoming session” in our Legislative Action Center. This is a great tool that allows Iowans to send a strong, pro 2nd Amendment message to Iowa’s lawmakers before the legislative session even begins. We’ll be updating the Legislative Action Center as various bills come up during the session, and we’ll be in touch each time we do.

Fighting for your Second Amendment rights,
Sheena Green
Communications Director
Iowa Firearms Coalition

About Iowa Firearms Coalition:
The mission of the Iowa Firearms Coalition is to be THE firearms rights organization in Iowa, representing Second Amendment concerns for all firearms owners in the state. We will staunchly defend the rights of hunters and sportsmen as well as the rights of all Iowans to defend themselves and their loved ones. We seek to partner with other like-minded organizations to increase our effectiveness in accomplishing these goals. Visit: