Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Make 5 Calls for Freedom!

The Firearms Coalition, along with the National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban and other rights groups from around the nation, is calling for all concerned citizens to join us in this important call to action...

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National Coalition Vows to Fight Erosion of Gun Rights

In an open letter addressed to Congress and the American people, a recently formed coalition of groups supporting gun rights declared their opposition to any new regulations encroach on citizens’ rights to keep and bear arms...

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An Open Letter to Congress and the American People Opposing Gun Control

The undersigned members of the National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban, representing some 37 national, state, and local organizations and millions of individual rights advocates, unequivocally oppose any infringement on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms...

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Nebraska Firearms Owners Association Responds to Obama’s Gun Ban Proposals

The media and some politicians continue to kick and scream, demanding that your freedoms be constrained to their liking. But we are pushing back, and while they can use emotions, we can use the facts...

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National Coalition Responds to Obama’s Assault on the Second Amendment

The federal gun control measures President Barack Obama, Senator Dianne Feinstein and others now propose represents nothing less than an attack on American freedom...

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Grass Roots North Carolina President Paul Valone To Gun Rights Supporters

Grass Roots North Carolina in conjunction with other groups, has formed a national coalition to defeat the Obama/Biden/Feinstein proposal...

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