Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
National Alert: Champaign IL 1st to Cite “Emergency Powers” to Ban Gun Transfers
by NRAHQLast week, an ordinance has passed in Champaign, IL, to empower the mayor to “[o]rder the discontinuance of selling, distributing, dispensing or giving away of … firearms or ammunition..."
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Governor of Virgin Islands Orders National Guard to Seize Americans’ Firearms
by AmmolandGov. Mapp ordered the National Guard to seize resident’s lawfully-owned firearms and ammunition, ostensibly as a means of promoting public order and protecting life and property.
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Social Security Administration Gets Into Gun Ban Business
by AmmolandAs he left office, President Obama screwed American seniors who own or want to own guns by issuing another executive order...
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The Perfect Storm – This Week Three Gun-Grabbers Come Clean
by AmmolandA Hillary Clinton victory in November will spell disaster for our right to bear arms, an unimaginable catastrophe of epic proportions resulting in a very dangerous constitutional crisis.
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New Poll Shows Need To Prevent Gun Grabs Without Due Process
by AmmolandA new Rasmussen Poll showing that 84 percent of Americans believe someone needs to be convicted of a crime before their property can be seized underscores the need to prohibit gun confiscations...
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Venezuelan President Announces $47 Million for Civilian Disarmament Centers
by AmmolandIt’s what happens to gun owners and freedom when a lawless, leftwing, socialist president who doesn’t like America, who uses the power of his office to intimidate his political opponents...
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Canadian High River Gun Grab Cover-Up Continues
by AmmolandIf RCMP is held unaccountable, there will be no way to stop the RCMP from doing the same thing when a state of emergency is declared in another town – maybe your own...
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CT State Police Spokesman Says – They Would Participate In Door To Door Gun Confiscations
by AmmolandConnecticut State Police Spokesman Lt. Vance sates that state police would comply with an order from the state to conduct door to door gun confiscations...
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Connecticut Tells Gun Owners, Destroy or Hand Over Rifles & Standard Capacity Magazines
by Ammoland214 CT residents who tried to comply with the new state laws but were late sending in their "Assault Weapon" registration paperwork may now be getting letters stating they need to destroy or turn them in..
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How the Feds Plan to Use the APA, NSA & Obamacare to Get Your Guns
by AmmolandIf one examines the growing list of mental disorders, it’s just a matter of time before we are all deemed “too crazy” to own a firearm...
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Orwellian Gun Quote of the Day: Chicago Police Chief McCarthy ~ ‘Recover Guns’
by AmmolandRecovered implies that they were returned to their rightful owners. However, very few of the 6,500 guns were returned to their rightful owners...
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Will the High River Canada Gun Grab Documentary Fall On Deaf Ears? ~ Video
by AmmolandThere was ample evidence that police lapsed into a pack mentality as they broke into private homes to confiscate firearms while people were kept away...
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