Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Judge Upholds Connecticut Ban on Semi-Automatic Firearms

A Connecticut judge has ruled semi-automatic firearms and magazines that hold over 10 rounds are not protected under the Second Amendment.

CT Governor Signs “Act Addressing Gun Violence’ Includes Multiple Unconstitutional Requirements

In a twist of bitter irony, HB 6667 attacks the core fundamental and Constitutional rights of the peaceable People of Connecticut and those who visit the “Constitution State.”

Citizens Rights Group Seeks Emergency Restraining Order Against “Weapon” Ban

Connecticut Citizens Defense League seeks emergency restraining order & preliminary Injunction against unconstitutional so-called “Assault Weapon” gun ban.

Connecticut Citizens Oppose Governor Lamont’s Gun Control Initiative ~ VIDEO

The Governor’s anti-freedom proposals demonstrate that he is out of touch with the people of Connecticut & woefully disconnected from his own failed policies.

U.S. Lawshield Supports Connecticut Citizens Defense League In Multiple Lawsuits

U.S. LawShield is backing the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, as they take the state of Connecticut to federal court for violating the second amendment rights.

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Judge Denies Police Officer Qualified Immunity After Arrested of Lawful Gun Carrier

A federal judge rejected a Connecticut police officer’s request for qualified immunity after he arrested a man for carrying his legally processed gun.

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Connecticut Citizens Defense League Wins Partial Victory In Filed Lawsuit

CCDL was forced to bring suit against police chiefs of Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, & Waterbury after officials were unjustifiably delaying law-abiding city residents’ applications for gun permits

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Connecticut Citizens Defense League Sues Multiple Cites Over Gun Permitting Delays

The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (CCDL) announced that it filed a federal civil rights action in the United States District Court against multiple Police Chiefs on permitting delays.

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“Gotta Cover our A**” CT Activist Settled for $50,000 from Police

Three Connecticut State Troopers conspired to violate his rights and charge him with disturbing the peace.

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Connecticut Citizens Defense League 2021 BBQ Fundraiser a Huge Success

A small state, against all the odds, Connecticut has a strong Second Amendment community. Read about one of CCDL's recent successful fundraisers, a true blueprint for other orgs!

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Supreme Court Will not Hear Appeal of CT case to Protect Firearms Manufacturers

The US Supreme Court has declined to hear the appeal of the lawsuit against Remington in Connecticut. The CT Supreme Court, in a controversial, 4-3 decision, ruled the lawsuit could proceed.

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SCI Helps Derail Anti-Conservation Legislation in CT Assembly

Safari Club International President Paul Babaz today praised efforts that killed an anti-hunting/anti-conservation bill in Connecticut's Assembly.

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