
Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Is Kalispell, Montana the de facto Patriot HQ? – The New Zion?

There are times and situations that require one to maintain OPSEC, but with multiple military vehicles flying over my house on a daily basis, and the appearance of DHS, the jig is up on Kalispell, MT...

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When Conspiracy Becomes Fact, Is The Tin-Foil Hat The New Fashion Statement

As I scanned the news this morning looking for topics in which to write about, something occurred to me. Some of the headlines of today are the “conspiracy theories” of days past...

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Gilligan’s Island, Drones & Big Government, Food for Thought

Did CBS use an episode of Gilligan’s Island to implant the idea of Remote Controlled Drones into the collective conscious of America???

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Your County Needs a Constitutional Sheriff ~ Video

Over the last several days, I have been fortunate to be in the company of two Sheriffs who deserve to be at the top of any patriot list...

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Executive Orders: Carving a Path to Dictatorship?

Whenever a president of any nation can rule, by fiat, that their actions are protected by the very office that they serve, that nation is on a slippery slope to dictatorship...

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How the Feds Plan to Use the APA, NSA & Obamacare to Get Your Guns

If one examines the growing list of mental disorders, it’s just a matter of time before we are all deemed “too crazy” to own a firearm...

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Can 2014 be the Year We Put a Dagger in the Heart of Tyranny?

Forget your resolution to stop eating Bon-bons, resolve to end these ongoing crimes and help take our country back...

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Interview: Gary Marbut, Champion for Liberty ~ Video

Gary’s greatest contribution to liberty may be his founding and leadership of the Montana Sports Shooting Association and the Firearms Freedom Act...

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