Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

We’re All to Blame for This

By the way, the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another is a fairly good working definition of slavery.

The post We’re All to Blame for This appeared first on AmmoLand.com.

Social Security Administration Gets Into Gun Ban Business

As he left office, President Obama screwed American seniors who own or want to own guns by issuing another executive order...

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Obama’s Parting Shot at the Second Amendment

The Social Security Administration announced they will be reporting thousands of Social Security benefit recipients to the FBI's National Instant Check System as “prohibited persons.”

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Part 2: Pursing Relief from the SSA’s Reporting of Mental Disability to NICS

This article is the second of two articles regarding the Social Security Administration’s new regulations designed to disqualify many beneficiaries from possessing or purchasing firearms.

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Part 1: The Social Security Admin.’s Regulations Designed to Take Away Firearms

The next article will discuss the process for applying for relief after the SSA has made a finding of mental incapacity and made a report to the NICS.

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