Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Texas College Republicans Stunned By Blocking Of Campus Safety Bill by Senator Ogden

Senator Steve Ogden, when you’re the only person stopping something that everyone else in your party is supporting, it’s time to reconsider your position...

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Pro Gun Volunteers Needed For 2011 NRA Annual Meeting

You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meetings Volunteer...

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New Congressman Stands With Gun Owners

Congressmen, Cory Gardner of Colorado’s 4th District is a true advocate for our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms...

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It’s Time For Gun Owners of America Membership To Grow

GOA could not have done the work without the support of our members -- and now, more than ever, we need your help to double or even triple our membership before 2012...

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Gun Owners of America Racks Up Huge Victories From Coast-to-Coast

In many cases, GOA was the ONLY national pro-gun organization to actively oppose Nancy Pelosi's "Blue Dog" Democrats and now Pelosi has been reduced to minority status...

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Make Your Pro Gun Opinion Count Trigger the Vote in 2010

Even more important than our opinions about bug out bags and terminal ballistics is making sure our opinions are recognized at the ballot box...

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Cory Gardner Gets Gun Rights

National Association for Gun Rights PAC announced their endorsement of State Representative Cory Gardner...

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