Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

West Virginia: Campus Carry Bill Fails in Senate Judiciary Committee

On March 5th, 2019, House Bill 2519, The Campus Self-Defense Act, failed to pass out of the West Virginia state Senate Judiciary Committee.

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Rape on Campus – Learning from the Experience of Others

We want women to take all the education they can. Until we change the political landscape that keeps honest people disarmed, avoid the colleges that leave you disarmed and vulnerable.

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Stereotypes and Realities of Guns on Campus- What were you thinking?

Do guns belong on campus? Look past the stereotypes. We already know the answer, and our experience is more powerful than academic speculation.

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Crazy Things Anti-Gunners Say About Concealed Carry on Campus

The concept of allowing those with a concealed carry permit to carry their guns on campus is getting a lot of press lately, mostly because it drives gun-hating academics crazy.

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Tennessee Campus Safety Legislation to be Enacted into Law

The ability to protect yourself at home or work is a constitutional right every American should be free to exercise...

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Tennessee: Faculty and Staff Campus Carry Legislation Will Become Law

This important self-defense legislation will permit full-time employees of state public colleges or universities to carry a handgun while on college property...

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NRA Statement on Veto of Georgia Campus Safety Bill

It is unfortunate that Governor Deal vetoed a bill that would have made Georgia campuses safer for his constituents.

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Georgia Gov. Sides With Everytown: Vetoes Campus Carry

On May 3 2016 Georgia Governor Nathan Deal (R) took the action Everytown for Gun Safety had urged by vetoing campus carry legislation...

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Aging Rocker to College Kids: You’re Too Drunk, Violent, & Stupid for Your Rights

It’s an incredibly condescending outlook that would demand college students meekly submit to whatever victimization a predator might choose for them.

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Georgia Democrat Calls Campus Carry an ‘Abomination’

Georgia House, state Senator Nan Orrock (D-Atlanta) is making clear her belief that allowing concealed carry on campus for self-defense is an “abomination.”

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