Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

UT-Austin Newspaper Sweeps Pro-Campus Carry Editorials & Facts Under The Rug

University of Texas at Austin newspaper is actively working to keep students from seeing the pro side of the campus carry debate.

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Women Too Weak to Defend Themselves with Guns?

Anti-gun activist Leah Gunn Barrett, the executive director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, must have never read Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People.

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Texas State Rifle Association and Victory in Austin

The Texas State Rifle Association, the NRA state affiliate, is proud to have supported numerous successful bills on behalf of its more than 40,000 members across the state...

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Gun Banners: When Facts Fail You, Play Beer Pong In Legislators’ Offices

This latest bit of theatrics is part of the group's ongoing efforts to mislead the public & the legislature that licensed concealed carry would impact off-campus parties...

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Guns Allowed At University Of Texas Rally To ‘Oppose Guns On Campus’

They've chosen an area of campus where concealed carry is already allowed, to give speeches about how dangerous campus would be if concealed carry were allowed!!?

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Warped View of Reality: Campus Carry Opponents Equate Self-Defense to Blaming Victims

Leave it to Media Matters and other anti-gun stalwarts to argue that armed self-defense, a form of empowerment for all people, is its own form of oppression...

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Propaganda About Concealed Carry on Campus

Should legally armed men & women who peacefully carry their private firearms everywhere else.. be barred from college property? Propaganda about concealed carry on campus...

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CPRC Testified Before NV Assembly Judiciary Committee On Eliminating Gun-Free Zones

Comments from John R Lott; "My testimony before the Nevada Assembly last week on gun-free zones was also very well received and had a powerful impact on the entire hearing"...

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Everytown Says Fight Campus Rapist With Backpacks, Not Scary Guns

Everytown and Moms Demand Action are adamantly opposed to legislation that would allow women with concealed carry permits to be armed for self-defense on campus...

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USA Today Wants Defenseless ‘Zero-Tolerance’, Not Campus Carry

USA Today joined ranks with other anti-gun voices, saying women shouldn’t be allowed to carry guns on campus for self-defense...

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