Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Everytown’s Anti-Freedom Effort Grinding Away in Times of COVID in NJ
by F Riehl, Editor in ChiefCOVID-19 may have slowed down the world, but it has not stalled those who want to strip us from our GOD-given freedoms!
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Mike Bloomberg-Moms Push Gun-Control By Putting Good People at Risk ~ VIDEOS
by F Riehl, Editor in ChiefEverytown and Moms Demand gladly support and take funds from the one guy who was bold enough to attempt to publicly, buy the black vote for Joe Biden in Florida.
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Everytown Distances Bloomberg Comments, But Addicted to His Billions
by AmmolandEverytown for Gun Safety, the gun control group bankrolled by billionaire presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, is treading lightly with their benefactor's Presidential race.
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Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement to Legislators & Anti-Gun Media, Come & Take Them
by Mark WaltersShannon Watts and the professional gun prohibitionists are not happy about the new tactic, as evident by her recent statements in a panic press release from Everytown for Gun Safety.
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Everytown Submits FOIA Request Over Flood of Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolutions
by John CrumpBefore the Second Amendment sanctuary movement took off in VA, there were around 265 2A sanctuary municipalities nationwide. Since the November election Virginia has added over 100 new ones.
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Of Course Shannon Watts & Everytown are Anti-gun & Hate the Second Amendment
by NRAHQWatts’s claim that she and Everytown aren’t anti-gun or anti-Second Amendment is just the latest chapter in a long history of deceptive gun control messaging.
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For Levi’s, Freedom isn’t Fashionable
by NRAHQLevi’s McGinnis linked the company’s attack on a cherished American freedom to the firm’s increasing emphasis on the global, rather than American, marketplace.
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Multiple Anti-Gun Bills Filed in Texas for 2017
by AmmolandNew Yorks' Michael Bloomberg funded national gun control groups: Everytown for Gun Safety & Moms Demand Action are supporting the pre-filed bad bills.
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Hillary Clinton & Shannon Watts, the Lies Keep On Piling Up
by AmmolandNot too long ago, Shannon Watts, founder of “Moms Demand Action,” responded to the NRA’s condemnation of Hillary Clinton’s gun control agenda with more lies...
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Shannon Watts Blames NRA for Disarming of Courthouse Security Officer
by AmmolandTurns out gun banning, freedom hater, Shannon Watts, should have asked a few more questions before, once again, publicly humiliating herself.
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NRA Slams Bloomberg-Funded Groups for False Ad Campaign
by AmmolandMichael Bloomberg’s out-of-state gun control group, Everytown for Gun Safety, is running a false and misleading ad designed to scare Missouri citizens...
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Georgia Gov. Sides With Everytown: Vetoes Campus Carry
by AmmolandOn May 3 2016 Georgia Governor Nathan Deal (R) took the action Everytown for Gun Safety had urged by vetoing campus carry legislation...
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