Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Silence from Black Leaders on Biden ATF Nomination is Deafening
by David Codrea
So why don't we gun owners publicly ask the CBC and BLM why they’re standing down for this shabby treatment of one of their own, and dare them to do something about it?
John Hopkins University + Bloomberg Bucks = Bogus Gun-Violence Research ~ Video
by Charlie Cook
What should we do when one of the top medical research Universities in the country partners with an agenda-driven anti-gun group funded by a firearms-hating billionaire
Dear Gun Banners; Gabby Giffords, Shannon Watts & Mikey Bloomberg
by Lee Williams
The instant the first Russian T-80 crossed the Ukrainian border, the whole world could see the uselessness of everything you’ve ever said and everything you’ve ever done.
Gun Hating Moms Blame Common ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws for Skyrocketing Murder Rates
by Lee Williams
Times are tough for Bloomberg’s well-paid anti-gun "moms". They rant & rave about the evils of gun ownership but in America, no one is listening.
Democrat Candidate’s Alleged Sleepover Conduct Raises Credibility Questions
by David Codrea
It’s curious how those who can’t – or won’t – control themselves are so bent on controlling the rest of us...
Philadelphia’s Emphasis on ‘Gun Laws’ Guarantees Violence Will Continue
by David Codrea
What they're really trying to make us believe is that owning a gun is a big front-end part of the problem.
Bloomberg Coalition Runs the Table on Homicide Cities
by David Codrea
Every one of these collectivist frauds is guilty of oath-breaking and government malpractice to further their own ambitions.
Police Chief Group Pushing Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Propaganda
by Lee Williams
"I am not involved in any International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) training or activities because of this very reason: It is intellectually dishonest to write that kind of an article."
New Gun Control Group, Denver Accord, Has Unsurprising ‘Trace’
by David Codrea
What a load of tired and long disproven talking points.
There’s a Term for Paying People Not to Victimize Others
by David CodreaPair budding criminals up with experienced ones. And add money into the equation. What could go wrong?
The post There’s a Term for Paying People Not to Victimize Others appeared first on AmmoLand.com.
‘Capitalist’ Billionaires Think Selling Rope Will Keep Them Safe
by David Codrea“The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”
The post ‘Capitalist’ Billionaires Think Selling Rope Will Keep Them Safe appeared first on AmmoLand.com.
Hate-Hoaxing White Powder Assailant Will Make Perfect Bloomberg Mayor
by David CodreaMcRae minimizing his crime shows what he’s “learned from his mistakes” is that with the right level of constituency ignorance and citizenship malpractice, any criminal can be a successful politician.
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