Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Guns and the Truth, the Whole Truth and…
by AmmolandThe problem we have is that most of the general public have no knowledge of firearms or gun laws & will read this misinformation as absolute gospel...
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Indiana Mayors Want to Repeal State Firearms Preemption Law
by AmmolandIf your mayor is one of them you might want to contact and let them know your position on the matter and the Second Amendment.
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2016 Presidential Debate Spectacle, Who’s to Blame
by AmmolandWhat’s worse is that both political parties and their candidates agree to go on stage to participate in the foolery.
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Sanders Goes all in for Destroying Gun Manufacturers
by Dean WeingartenDemocrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders changes mind, agrees to push for legislation to destroy gun manumacturers.
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Gun Control, Big Box Stores & National History, The Dots Don’t Connect
by AmmolandHow fast would major worldwide chain stores would react to remove ammo and firearms from their stores if the public, media and politicians rattle their swords to do so...
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2nd Amendment Now Vulnerable the Same Treatment as Religious Freedom in Indiana
by AmmolandThe law became a nuclear explosion ignited by the [liberal] news media’s deliberate misrepresentation in their so called reporting...
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Indiana Short Barreled Shotgun Bill Now On Governor’s Desk
by AmmolandIt must be noted that this does not allow for someone to cut the barrel off of a shotgun. Those firearms are manufactured under federally licensed manufacturers & Regulated by ATF...
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Second Amendment Patriot’s Jim Tomes to Speak at NRA Annual Meetings
by AmmolandThe NRA has asked me to speak for about 30 minutes on April 25th beginning about 11:00 a.m. These NRA conventions are a lot of fun. There are a lot of people to meet and things to see...
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Indiana Lifetime Handgun License Repeal?
by AmmolandCan all these pro gun laws in Indiana be repealed? You betcha, buckaroos. And I’ll tell you how it will happen...
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Patriot Fire Team: The Foundation of Liberty
by AmmolandNo Patriot should stand alone. Everyone needs...establish a small, but strong support group of like-minded individuals who...As an American you have a choice...
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Staying the Conservative Tiller
by AmmolandThe people who approve of changing the definition of marriage and stopping any remote effort to recognize Christianity certainly are energized by recent headline and court decisions...
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Firearms Jobs Welcome In Indiana
by AmmolandI have pursued an idea that had been on my mind for some years, and that is trying to encourage an interest in seeking to convince firearm manufacturers across the country to consider moving to Indiana...
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