Indiana –-( This will be a short letter. Reading today’s newspaper with the multiple stories about the Supreme Court ruling on marriage yesterday and yesterday’s paper headline about the lawsuit being filed against Evansville for agreeing to let a local church place 30 crosses along the riverfront for 15 days in August and reading the letters to the editor who side with both issues and their “spectacular knowledge of the Constitution”, I just want to point out one thing.
The people who approve of changing the definition of marriage and stopping any remote effort to recognize Christianity certainly are energized by these stories, as the articles report. It would certainly be expected to see this enthusiasm carry over into next year’s election cycle, as it was stated in one of the stories.
You can rest assured that many of those who support these efforts will not have to be called twice to attend a meeting. So where does that leave those who don’t support the direction things are moving in America?
We have had many ask me to run again for re-election and over the years Margie and I have had good folks request we keep taking the lead in the 2nd Amendment Patriots, which has now been nearly 15 years. But far too many have dropped out of sight. It’s not that they’ve changed their position, it’s just they have quit taking an active roll. All across the country it’s the same story.
That is exactly why we see stories like what’s in today’s paper. Credit has to be given to the opponents, when they achieve a victory, they become more energized to carry it to the next level. Often, conservatives will excuse themselves by claiming they’re burned out, or won’t be available, but will finish with a “keep up the good work.”
I see what I see; good people who come and go and others who stay loyal to the cause. As I said before, half of the Indiana state senators are up for re-election. They’re going to need more than best wishes. All those who attend meetings and apply themselves to STAY UNITED need more than a pat on the back by those who want the prize, but leave the work to others.
Jim and MargieSTAY UNITED
2nd Amendment Patriots
The Second Amendment Patriots are a local group of Indiana citizens dedicated to preserving the rights, freedoms, and civil liberties of every American by educating the American public of the founding and history of this country and its founding fathers by explaining the role, functions and purpose of the U.S. Government; and by teaching the need and importance of an armed American public, in order to allow for a more prosperous and respectful country consisting of American citizens with a pledge of allegiance to their country and who will at the same time, voice their demand to take back the present overwhelming power of the U.S. Government and deliver it into the hands of the people to which it belongs. Visit: