Firearms Jobs Welcome In Indiana

Firearms Jobs Wanted
Firearms Jobs Wanted
Second Amendment Patriots

Indianapolis, IN –-( Out side of all the regular business here at the Statehouse such as hearing testimony on all the bills that have survived the first half of session, the steady flow of e-mails and phone calls from folks on a multiple scale of topics, town hall meetings and random conflicts that arise on occasion I’d like to mention something else I’ve been working on.

Before I do that I would like to mention that we have been very fortunate here in Indiana to have a pro second amendment atmosphere and there has been a lot of significant accomplishments over the years in that regards, many of which the 2nd Amendment Patriots were involved. To name a couple are the Lifetime Handgun License and just two years ago the Pre-emption law which prohibits local government from adopting any new gun laws and at the same time eliminated all the laws they had accumulated on the books over the years.

Recently there have been action taken by some, who with the best of intentions, I fear will jeopardize those two benchmarks. If I’m wrong no one will be happier than me. However, if I’m right I do want folks to know that I was pleased that we had them for awhile and was happy to have participated in the achievement.

But if we lose them because of blind ego, I will not engage in trying to recover what we once had. If they were not worth keeping when we had them, then I must believe they are not worth trying to regain.

Now for the item I’d like to speak about in this letter. Many of you may know that since 2005 I have pursued an idea that had been on my mind for some years, and that is trying to encourage an interest in seeking to convince firearm manufacturers across the country to consider moving to Indiana.

Back in 2005 and 2006 before I retired from driving a truck, I had met with some of the folks at Crane Naval to present that idea. I even met with those in Governor Daniels’ office and IEDC to explain the concept.

Over the years there have been ups and downs. On a couple of occasion I had a gentleman associated with Colt to join me in a visit to Crane to discuss the potential. But nothing has ever seemed to gain traction.

Recently, there has been some renewed interest in light of all the gun control talk and some states now passing second amendment restrictions that would have never contemplated such laws just three months ago.

I’ve had meetings with some state agencies and individuals lately that have given me reason for hope again. I just wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that maybe the ashes haven’t grown entirely cold and I will continue to let you know of any progress that I hope will be made.

Thanks again to all of you good folks who have stayed with us over the years and all the efforts you have applied in the good cause.

“God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it.” – Daniel Webster; US diplomat, lawyer, orator, & politician (1782 – 1852)

Jim and Margie
2nd Amendment Patriots