Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Bidens’ Fanciful Executive Lip Service Action-Orders ~ VIDEO

Whatever Biden does concerning “actions” will hold little to no weight of law at all, easy to be undone. Watch the wordplay "actions" versus "orders"!

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Biden-Harris Admin. Announces ‘Initial Actions’ on Guns

According to the White House "fact sheet," Biden is calling on Congress to “go further” than two background check bills already passed by the House of Representatives.

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Obama White House Follows Up on Executive Actions

President Obama’s administration Friday gave an update on implementing the executive actions regarding guns ownership that he issued at the beginning of the year in response to increased public pressure and an unwilling Congress.

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President’s gun ‘actions’ prove superficial

Richard Feldman, of the Independent Firearm Owners Association, describes President Obama’s executive actions as “superficial” and calls them similar to those issued in 2013.

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