Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

John McCain: ‘Controversial’ Stand Your Ground Laws ‘need to be reviewed’ (VIDEO)

“I can also see that the Stand Your Ground law may be something that needs to be reviewed by the Florida legislature or any other legislature that has passed such legislation,” McCain told State of the Union host Candy Crowley Sunday morning.

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Discussion over Universal Background Checks Heats Up as President Prepares State of the Union (VIDEO)

Later today the President will deliver his State of the Union address. With around 30 victims of gun-related violence in attendance, gun control is expected to take center stage, including the hotly debated issue of universal background checks.

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Ted Nugent will attend State of the Union Address with Texas Congressman

Rock star and Über gun enthusiast Ted Nugent will accompany Texas Congressman Steve Stockman at tonight's State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama.

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