Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Iowa Gun Owners Candidate Survey Program

Anti-gun politicians cross their fingers and are hoping that you forget their anti-gun votes which we've brought to your attention...

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The “Disclose Act” Stalls in the Senate

Members of grassroots gun rights organizations just like you went to work contacting your Senators and Representatives and we are pleased to report that your actions have paid off...

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Iowa Judge Rules In Favor Of Iowa Gun Owners

Iowa Gun Owners member Paul Dorr, father of IGO director Aaron Dorr, successfully sued Osceola County Sheriff Douglas Weber, after his ccw permit application was denied...

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Anti Gun “Disclose Act” Fight Moves to the Senate

However, what was supposed to be an easy victory with minimal resistance turned into an all out battle and "Disclose" passed by a slim margin of just 219 to 206...

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Gun Rights Champion Ron Paul Comes to Iowa

Iowa Gun Owners would like to inform you that Texas Congressman Ron Paul will be in Iowa in a few weeks speaking on freedom and his organization's fight to restore liberty...

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Iowa Gun Owners Annual Rally

Key-Note Speaker: Tom Moore Washington representative for Fabrique Nationale Herstal (FNH), the world's leading manufacture of military small arms...

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Concealed Carry Shall Issue Passes in Iowa

You'll have to get re-trained to carry your weapon every time you renew your permit for the rest of your life...

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2010 Iowa Legislative Session Wrap-Up and Your Gun Owner Rights

Many people at the Capitol and across the state immediately said that Iowa Gun Owners, and you by default, were crazy and that this 'extremist' view of the 2nd Amendment would never work here in Iowa...

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Iowa Gun Rights & the End of 2010 Legislative Session

For now, know that 'shall issue' did pass - with a lot of problems. The anti-gunners surely bought themselves some political cover with this vote. Gun owners have a lot to do...

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Fight to Pass REAL Right-to-Carry Gets Personal and Ugly

That's right, an NRA lobbyist said that he was going to try to defeat a pro-gun Representative like Sorenson because he's too.............pro-gun.

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Iowa REAL Right-to-Carry Bill Update from the Capitol

It was so bad that if you were to give a gun to your college bound daughter a gun without state permission, both you and the recipient would be felons for life if convicted!

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