Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Useful Idiots Pointing Pistols at Groins Play into Provocateur Hands
by David CodreaThe benefit of anonymity also means some of the posers could literally be that, provocateurs out there trying to make gun owners look like morons.
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Gavin McInnes Sues the SPLC for Defamation
by John CrumpThe SPLC claimed that McInnes was advocating for violence as well as accusing him of "hate speech", a charge the McInnes vehemently denies.
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‘Progressive’ Praise for McCain Shows Limits of ‘Acceptable’ Conservatism
by David CodreaIf that’s what they'd say about a man many of us considered unacceptably “moderate,” what must they want followers to think about those of us that are more hardline?
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Ellison Demands on Amazon Show Guns aren’t Only Things Collectivists Would ‘Control’
by David CodreaIt’s not about controlling guns, it’s about controlling us as individuals, including the information they would “allow” us to access, from the files we own to the books we read..
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Interim police chief linked to neo-Nazi websites resigns in Oklahoma
by Brian SeayBart Alsbrook denies the allegations. He says skinheads took his wallet at a heavy metal concert in the 1990’s, and they’ve been using his name ever since.
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SPLC president: Charlottesville shows states need to change open carry laws
by Brian SeayEchoing gun control groups who blamed the violence in Charlottesville on the NRA, the SPLC president says guns and public protests don't mix.
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Pennsylvania man who led militia in Charlottesville condemns white supremacists
by Brian SeayChristian Yingling and 32 other members of the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia were armed and on hand Saturday to serve as “neutral peacekeepers.”
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Gun control groups blame NRA, Trump for Charlottesville violence
by Chris EgerGun control groups blamed the NRA's provocative rhetoric against liberal demonstrators and agenda as influential on the hate group's methods.
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Permit issues, Airbnb cancellations for planned ‘Unite the Right’ event this weekend in Virginia
by Brian SeayOrganizers are defiant, as officials try to move the location of a rally from Emancipation Park, formerly Robert E. Lee Park, to a new location a mile away.
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Critics say Sessions’ unpopular asset forfeiture decision hurts poor people
by Brian SeayA Justice Department rollback of an Obama-era decision to limit civil asset forfeiture is harmful to poor people, critics say.
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Oath Keepers provided security at Sunday’s free speech event in Portland
by Brian SeayMembers of the armed civilian group known as the Oath Keepers provided security Sunday for a free speech rally in Portland.
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Southern Poverty Law Center’s Bogus Listing of III% United Patriots Of Virginia
by John CrumpSouthern Poverty Law Center wrongly lists III% United Patriots Of Virginia in it’s list of extremist organizations. How can this be. unless they consider support for the constitution extreme?
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