Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Gun Lobby Files Amicus with Inter-American Court Of Human Rights

Mexico is attempting to use the Court to bolster its erroneous $10 billion lawsuit against U.S. manufacturers & undermine Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

Mexican Fast and Furious Warrants Ignore Roles U.S. Government Played

We know part of the answer was so that ATF management could treat Gunwalker crimes as personnel policy violations.

Mexican Journalists are Asking ATF ‘Gunwalker’ Questions

We know the ATF orchestrated the scheme to allow guns to be “walked” into Mexico. They have no authority to arrange and oversee that into a foreign country.

Mexican Suit Threatens Second Amendment

Like big-city mayors from two decades ago, Mexico wants to sue gun manufacturers to pretend they are dealing with a serious crime problem.

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Mexican Bandits Steal 7 Million Rounds of Ammunition

Over seven million rounds of sporting ammunition was reported to have been stolen in a daring robbery in Mexico.

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U.S. Guns-to-Mexico Reports Suggests ‘Deja Vu All Over Again’

The American public is still being subjected to disinformation by a media that is either hopelessly incompetent, deliberately misleading, or both.

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‘War Criminal’ Deported as U.S. ‘War on Guns’ Criminals Continue to Evade Justice

As 'Fast And Furious' ambush news unfolded At Justice Dept. “Top men” were being informed to get a handle on things, to find out what happened, and to make decisions on what to do.

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Ammunition Smuggling to Mexico, 13 Thousand Rounds Caught at Border

Mexican authorities recently stopped a shipment of 13,000 cartridges being smuggled into Mexico. Smuggling ammunition is fairly common. The cartels can get ammunition from several sources.

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Guns-to-Mexico Hit Piece Picks Up Where Pre-Fast and Furious Lies Left Off

Does anyone believe the cartels are dependent on small retail purchases of semi-autos with added costs of paying straw purchasers along with shipping costs and smuggling risks?

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Continuing Chaos in Mexico, Now Nine American Women & Children Are Dead ~ VIDEO

Innocent Mexican citizens have been completely disarmed by a corrupt government, and are thus unable to defend themselves against Cartels who are enslaving them.

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Comparing El Paso to Juárez Gives Insights into Effectiveness of ‘Gun Control’

Compare violence in El Paso to that of its conjoined twin across the border, Ciudad Juárez, with its "restrictive gun laws."

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