Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
The Cost of Dishonesty About Our Security
by Newt GingrichLast Wednesday night, I was honored to speak at the Republican National Convention, on a topic that is critical to the future of our country: how to keep America safe. Below is an excerpt of.....
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Chris W. Cox Delivers the Straight Truth on Hillary Clinton and the Second Amendment
by DeltaOperatorManLast Tuesday, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox addressed the Republican National Convention about the grave threat to the Second Amendment posed by a Hillary Clinton presidency.
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Radical Democrats Target RNC Convention With Planned Riots, Cleveland Unprepared
by AmmolandThe City of Cleveland had originally planned to field 4,000 uniformed officers, this force has now dwindled to less than 1,000 for an estimated 100,000 protesters..
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Fake ‘Open Carry’ RNC Petition Highlights ‘Progressive’ Projection & Hate
by David CodreaIf they did allow guns, we’d have no reason to suspect the outcome would be any different than we saw play out at NRA’s Annual Meeting last year in Nashville.
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