By David Codrea
USA – -( You have to give “The Hyperationalist” credit — his fake petition for open carry at the RNC Convention has been a highly successful exercise in both advanced trolling and in applied Alinksy Rule 5 ridicule. With over 50,000 signatures amassed at this writing, and noting all the major press coverage, a primary goal of going viral has unquestionably been achieved in a big way.
Of less certainty is how many people were actually taken in by a parody designed to embarrass and to exploit venue realities – besides all those “professional reporters” who got sucked in and treated it as real. Some of us figured we were being played from the outset. Of those who signed, how many actual gun rights supporters added their names is unknown, as many signatories are undoubtedly anti-gun/anti-Republican “progressives” gleefully piling on.
Except they’re not all gleeful. Some of them are downright angry, hostile and nasty, reveling in their wishes for a bloodbath. One (head)case study in projection appears to have an arrest and conviction record that including violating a restraining order and having his sentencing judge order a mandatory mental health evaluation.
So they’re not about “common sense gun safety” after all? And they’re not outraged by “gun violence” as long as the victims are conservative gun owners?
Carrying at the convention is a moot point anyway. Aside from it violating venue rules, the Secret Service flat-out won’t allow it. If they did allow guns, we’d have no reason to suspect the outcome would be any different than we saw play out at NRA’s Annual Meeting last year in Nashville. Almost 80,000 attendees gathered in a setting where lawful concealed carry was widespread.
There were no shootings, no reported altercations of any kind. As much as that might disappoint “sophisticated” petition supporters leaving comments about “violently fractious racist simpletons” and tolerant sentiments such as “I’m kinda hoping there’ll be a bloodbath at the RNC,” that’s just not the way gun rights advocates conduct themselves.
Perhaps such an ignorant, hateful and provincial outlook is due to the fact that – just looking at the numbers – America’s “gun violence” problems, for the overwhelming part, originate among solidly Democrat constituencies and their family members.
Living in Bloomberg cities …
UPDATE: And naturally, the petition is the work of a Hillary supporter. Gomer would like to add a comment.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.
He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and also posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.