Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
‘Diversity’ No Guarantee for Enhancing Second Amendment Recognition
by David CodreaNRSC Hiding Swamp Loyalties in Fundraising Appeals to Trump Supporters
by David CodreaDonations will be used to help candidates who may be actively working against your rights.
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Democrats Imposing Measures on Citizens They Condemn for ‘Undocumented’ Foreigners
by David CodreaThat’s a lot of government guns being deployed against unarmed citizens whose right, by Constitutional mandate, “shall not be infringed.”
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NJ Democrat’s Demand for Prosecution of Trump ‘Enablers’ Ups the Stakes for All
by David CodreaThe punishment for treason, defined by the law, by the way, and not by an obnoxious collectivist New Jersey politician, is death.
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Armed Security for NBC News Another Example of Media Hypocrisy on Guns
by David CodreaThese people think they can attack and subvert our rights at will, but when it's their precious hindquarters on the line, the first thing they think of is protecting themselves with guns.
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Virginia Customer Disarmament Group Calls to Mind Quote about Capitalists and Rope
by David Codrea“The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”
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Anti-Gunner’s Shock Video Fuels Racist Smear against White Conservatives
by David CodreaThe real issue here is one that ultimately will determine the “legal” fate of traditional American citizens in general and gun owners in particular..
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Maryland Democrat Party Official and Lawyer Calls for Doxing ‘Terrorist’ Gun Owners
by David CodreaIn other words, he is an officer of the court endorsing the crime of doxing his political opponents and urging all of his social media followers to join him.
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Proposed Evansville Buyback Useless for Everything but Political Publicity
by David CodreaBut being an opportunistic Democrat, he knows plenty of politicians manage to get ink in the local papers and face time on local newscasts spouting such nonsense.
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Flake Stance on Immigration Undoes His ‘Good’ Gun Votes
by David CodreaIt’s past time for gun owners to reject the establishment Republican Kool-Aid and insist on principle.
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U.S. Senate candidate in Missouri booted from Facebook for AR-15 raffle
by Brian SeayRepublican candidate Austin Petersen accepts campaign donations in Bitcoin and is raffling off an AR-15. He says Facebook banned him for a recent post.
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Survey: Gun owners and non-owners think alike when it comes to background checks
by Christen SmithA majority of Americans who own guns and those who do not each support background checks for private gun sales, according to a survey released Thursday.
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