Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Oz Endorsement Says as Much About PA Republicans as It Does About Trump

This is the best that Pennsylvania Republicans can offer, and the most that Pennsylvania gun owners have the clout to demand?

‘Republican Voters Against Trump’ Long on Smears, Short on Transparency

In other words, the fraudulent wizard frantically operating the machinery is none other than neocon Trump-hater William Kristol...

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Is This Worse Than ’68?

Are we more divided than we have ever been? Are our politics more poisoned? Are we living in what Charles Dickens called "the worst of times" in America? Is today worse than 1968?

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GOP Mob Targets Polling Places

Early polling numbers are reporting a red wave of GOP voters in early election results. It is not too late to join the mob of deplorables voting for jobs, lower taxes and less Government. Vote!

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President Trump Defines the Big Choice for 2018

Vote Republican and our taxes and unemployment figures will remain low, while our jobs numbers, wages, and economic growth will continue to increase. Finally, our borders will be secure.

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Boehner’s Right — It’s Trump’s Party Now

If the Republican Party is "napping," let it slumber on, undisturbed, for its time has come and gone. We are in a new world now.

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