Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog
Senate to Vote Next Week on Concealed Carry Reciprocity and Other Gun Amendments
by DeltaOperatorManNext week, there will be more gun votes on the floor of the United States Senate than there will be for the rest of the year put together.
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Kansas: State Legislature to Vote on Pro-Gun Reform As Early as Today
by AmmolandThe practice of using taxpayer dollars to fund gun control campaigns and lobby against your Second Amendment rights must be stopped...
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BREAKING: Senate to Vote on Pro Gun Amendments added to Water Resources Bill Sponsored by Barbara Boxer (VIDEO)
by Jennifer CruzSen. Barbara Boxer is angered over Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn introducing two pro-gun amendments to a water resource bill which would allow firearms to be carried on some federal land and require a registry for government owned firearms and ammunition.
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Kentucky – Important Right to Hunt Amendment Needs Your Vote on November 6 2012
by AmmolandYou have the opportunity on November 6 to enshrine hunting and fishing for current and future generations in Kentucky by voting YES on a Constitutional Amendment...
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SC Governor Signs Essential Pro-Gun Reform Legislation into Law
by AmmolandThe Governor’s signature, repeals the prohibition on selling handguns that do not meet the arbitrary 800 degree melting-point and the requirement for Federal Firearms License holders to be licensed with the state...
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NSSF Legislative Alert – Protect Pro-Gun Provisions in Todays Conference Report
by AmmolandNational Shooting Sports Foundation is encouraging all sportsmen, gun owners & firearms enthusiasts to contact members of the House & Senate Appropriations Committees & urge them to vote to protect pro-gun provisions...
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Anti-gun Senators Blocking a Vote On Pro Gun Hatch Amendment 770
by AmmolandSen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) is seeking to offer an amendment to the Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill but anti-gun senators are blocking a vote on the amendment...
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Oregon’s First Anti-Gun Bill Hearings Announced
by AmmolandOregon's First Anti-Gun Bill Hearings Announced
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Michigan Firearms Legislative Update
by AmmolandMichigan Firearms Legislative Update
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Congress Passes NRA-Backed Legislation Protecting Pocketknives
by AmmolandCongress Passes NRA-Backed Legislation Protecting Pocketknife Classification
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Pro Gun Amtrak Amendment Overwhelmingly Passes in the Senate
by AmmolandPro Gun Amtrak Amendment Overwhelmingly Passes in the Senate
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