Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Federal Judge rules on SAFE Act, seven-round magazine limit: ‘tenuous, strained and unsupported’ (VIDEO)

"The seven-round limit fails the relevant test because the purported link between the ban and the State’s interest is tenuous, strained, and unsupported in the record," wrote Chief U.S. District Judge William M. Skretny.

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Opposition to SAFE Act carries New York sheriff to victory (VIDEO)

Erie County Sheriff Timothy B. Howard was elected to a third term last week Tuesday. His vehement opposition to the NY SAFE Act is a large reason why the Republican candidate was re-elected.

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Lockport Police nab gun owner for putting 10 rounds in magazine, NY SAFE Act violation

Lockport Police arrested a man last Saturday for putting 10 rounds of 9mm ammunition in the magazine of his lawfully owned handgun. That's three more rounds than what's legal under the NY SAFE Act.

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Cops steal New York man’s pro-gun sign from front yard, allegedly

A man from Somers, New York, claims that local police confiscated his pro-Second Amendment sign from his front yard. The photo evidence seems to corroborate the man's story.

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Iraq combat vet slams lawmakers for passing the NY SAFE Act on the ‘demented actions of a couple mad men’ (VIDEO)

An Iraq combat veteran and law enforcement officer delivered an emotionally charged three minute speech to the legislators of Duchess County, New York, against the passing of the NY SAFE Act and slams them for their decisions, calling them out for their "mafia style" middle of the night meetings.

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NY Gun Owners not giving up, hold 5th Protest in Albany against NY SAFE Act (VIDEO)

New York gun owners are not giving up the fight for their Second Amendment rights. On Tuesday, thousands showed up at the state capitol to protest the NY SAFE Act. The fifth major protest at Albany since the bill was passed in January.

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New York Gun Owners March on Albany: Repeal NY SAFE Act (VIDEO)

On Tuesday, gun rights activists gathered in Albany to send a loud and clear message to state lawmakers: repeal the NY SAFE Act or lose your job in 2014.

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NY SAFE Act Nabs First Magazine Infraction: Man had two extra rounds in his handgun (VIDEO)

A man discovered this new draconian law the hard way when officers pulled him over and found nine rounds -- two more than what's legal -- in his handgun.

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New York SAFE Act Takes Effect: State troopers voice concern over enforcing law (VIDEO)

It's now illegal for law-abiding gun owners to load more than 7 rounds in a 10-round magazine. Also, gun owners have 1 year to register 'assault' weapons.

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Gov. Cuomo Blames Flawed SAFE Act on Bloomberg and Brady Campaign (VIDEO)

A source in NY Gov. Cuomo's administration blames the Brady Campaign and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg for all the problems with the NY SAFE Act.

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NY SAFE Act Nabs its First Gun Owner: An Iraq War vet (VIDEO)

NY SAFE Act claims its first victim, an Iraq Veteran from upstate New York. The 32-year-old now faces seven years in prison. Prior to this arrest, he had no criminal convictions. Is the goal of the SAFE Act to turn law-abiding gun owners into criminals?

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