NY Gun Owners not giving up, hold 5th Protest in Albany against NY SAFE Act (VIDEO)

As a native Buffalonian, I feel obligated to cover the rallies going on in the Empire State in protest of the significantly flawed NY SAFE Act, the sweeping gun control package Gov. Andrew Cuomo rammed through the Legislature in the wake of the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

Although I no longer live in Buffalo, I feel that I need to do my part to see that this law gets either significantly altered or outright repealed. So, as long as New York gun owners continue to fight, to show up at the rallies, to contact their local representatives and state lawmakers, I’ll continue to write about them and give them the credit that they deserve.

I know, many of you look at New York as a lost cause, as the real epicenter for the anti-gun movement. In fact, in the last article I wrote about NY protests against the SAFE Act, Guns.com reader Stephen Chulski of Green Bay, Wisconsin said, “As much as I wish and hope otherwise, these folks are pissing in the wind. The likelihood of the SAFE Act being repealed is about as likely as California suddenly going pro-gun. IE-it will never happen.”

Guns.com reader George Long, echoed those remarks. He wrote, “Nothing is going to Happen. The people of NY once elected Hillary Clinton to the Senate even though she had never lived there. Nope The Peoples Republik of Cuomo does not believe in Constitutional rights. And you will not vote them out of office. You get the government you deserve. Best bet……move!”

I can’t blame these gentlemen for thinking this way. After all, New York is not only the home of Gov. Cuomo, but also of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the most stalwart pro-gun control advocate in the country.

However, despite the state’s feckless political leadership, gun owners cannot give up because change is possible. Think about it. Years ago, who would have thought that the Democratically-controlled Illinois state legislature would approve a bill legalizing concealed carry? Not many. But they did. Well, they had to, a federal appeals court ruled that the CCW ban was unconstitutional and mandated that the Legislature approve a concealed carry bill. Nevertheless, it happened.

Likewise, repealing the NY SAFE Act is possible. Whether these pro-gun protests compel lawmakers to kill the SAFE Act during the next legislative session or whether it happens as a result of a federal lawsuit, supported by the New York Sheriff’s Association, that challenges the constitutionality of its restrictions on gun ownership, which includes a ban on all magazines that hold more than 10 rounds and prohibits responsible gun owners from loading more than seven rounds in their 10-round magazine, change is possible.

So, with all that said, on Tuesday, thousands gathered in Albany’s Capitol Park to agitate for change, for the repeal of the NY SAFE Act. Like the four previous rallies at the state’s capitol, protesters toted pro-Second Amendment signs and chanted “Cuomo’s gotta go.”

Leaders of the rally also brought with them 150,000 signed petitions, which were delivered to Cuomo’s office.

Speakers included former NY gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino and Fox News host and former Westchester County district attorney, Jeanine Pirro, who told the crowd, “It’s the bad guys we have to go after, and not my Second Amendment rights.”

All in all, it seemed like another positive showing for gun rights in the Empire State. So, let’ keep it going.  Let’s continue to fight!

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