Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Court Denies Petition for Rehearing in Suit Asking EPA to Ban Traditional Ammo

We expect CBD to continue their relentless, though futile, pursuit to ban traditional lead ammunition filing more lawsuits that do nothing but waste judicial resources & taxpayer dollars...

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Urgent Action Needed to Prevent BATFE from Banning Common Rifle Ammunition

The bottom line is that BATFE has virtually interpreted the "sporting purposes" exemption for ammo out of the law. As intended by Obama, this will result in disaster for gun owners....

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Countryside Alliance ‘Working Tirelessly’ On The Lead Shot Issue

Those who have been campaigning for a ban on lead shot, and leaked Wildlife and Wetland Trust documents have revealed exactly how extensive that corruption is....

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House Spending Bill Blocks EPA & Anti Hunting Forces Attack on Lead Ammo

An important provision protects the rights of Americans to choose the type of ammunition they prefer to use for hunting and target shooting...

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Calif. Fish & Game Commission Begins Process to Ban Traditional Ammunition

As expected, the California Fish and Game Commission this week began the formal process, to implement AB711, the state law banning the use of traditional lead component ammunition in hunting...

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Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission Denies Banning Lead Ammo Petition

By a nearly unanimous 5-1 vote, denied a citizen petition requesting a regulation to prohibit the use of traditional ammunition for hunting all game wildlife within the state...

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Hunting On Public Lands At Risk! Contact Interior Secretary Now

Are we really to believe that HSUS finds hunting acceptable just so long as hunters use alternative ammunition???

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NSSF To Testify Before Calif. Wildlife Resource Panel On Lead Ammo Ban

The discussion will include the economic impact of the now-enacted Assembly Bill 711 on hunters, retailers and manufacturers as well as the effect on the State of California...

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NSSF in Pro-Hunting Coalition Response to HSUS Petition

The NSSF urges all sportsmen to call the Interior Department and urge the rejection of the HSUS petition.

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California’s Pet Condors, Once Kings of the Air Now Dependent on Handouts

The California Condor feeding program prevents these once wild birds from demonstrating normal wild behaviors, while it keeps numerous wildlife biologists employed...

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CDFW To Hold Public Workshop on Lead Bullet Ban Implementation

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) will hold a public workshop Tuesday, August 19 to discuss the implementation of the lead bullet ban.

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CDFW To Hold Public Workshop on Lead Bullet Ban Implementation

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has announced that they will hold a public workshop on Saturday, July 19 to discuss the implementation of the lead bullet ban.

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