Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Lead Ban Hearing at State Office Building on Wednesday at 2:45 pm, Can You Join Us?

I need your help tomorrow. A few months ago, the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus, along with our friends at the National Rifle Association (NRA), led the charge in getting gun owners and sportsmen.....

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The MNDNR Is Back With a Proposed Ban on Lead Shot – Important Hearing on March 10th

Last fall we made you aware of a proposed lead shot ban in farmland Wildlife Management Areas throughout Minnesota from the MN Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

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No Evidence To Support Lead Shot Ban, Just Bad Research

The false finding relies on research carried out between 1960 & 1983, all of which occurred before the current restrictions on using lead shot were introduced in England, Wales, Scotland & Ireland.

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Submit your Comments in Opposition to Proposed Regulatory Bans on Traditional Ammo

As previously reported, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) opened a 60 day public comment period on October 13, 2015, for multiple proposed rules, including a misguided ban.....

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Minnesota Proposing Ban On Lead Hunting Ammo

Minnesota DNR is proposing new lead ammunition prohibitions that could increase the cost of hunting by two to four times...

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Minnesota DNR Proposes Lead Shot Ban on 600,000 Acres of Public Land

On October 13, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) released a proposed rule to ban lead shot on all wildlife management areas (WMAs) in the far western and southern half of Minnesota.

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Updating You On Countryside Alliance’s Important Work In Europe

Our working relationship with The European Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation is strong and has had cause to develop even further of late...

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Countryside Alliance Executive Chairman Resigns from Lead Ammunition Work Group

With the overall negativity of the LAG report I cannot continue to serve as the representative of the shooting community on the LAG. I have profound disagreement with the way the process has been cond

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California Fish & Game Approves Early Plan of Regulations Governing Lead Ammo Ban

A set of laws adopted in 2013 known as “AB 711” drastically expanded California’s ban on the use of lead ammo for taking larger animals within the “California condor zone” to the taking of......

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Rhode Island: House Committee to Hear Lead Ammunition Ban This Week

There has been no sound scientific evidence stating that traditional ammunition is having a population-level impact on any species in Rhode Island...

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An Update From The Frontline on Guns & Hunting In Europe

The EU-initiated study into the toxicity of lead has been put on hold, & with the recent reversal of a lead shot ban in Norway, views in Brussels about lead could slowly be changing for the better...

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