Rhode Island: House Committee to Hear Lead Ammunition Ban This Week

Hunters and Hunting
Rhode Island: House Committee to Hear Lead Ammunition Ban This Week
National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)
National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)

Fairfax, VA –-(Ammoland.com)-  On Thursday, April 2 2015, the House Committee on Environment and Natural Resources will take public testimony on House Bill 5669, sponsored by state Representatives Arthur Handy (D-18), Edith Ajello (D-1), Thomas Palangio (D-3), and John Lombardi (D-8).

H.5669 seeks to ban the use of most lead ammunition and require the use of non-lead ammunition approved as “non-toxic” by the Director of the Department of Environmental Management.

As we have seen with attempts to ban the use of lead ammunition in other states, arguments in favor of these bans are based on faulty science.  It is important to fully understand the facts concerning traditional hunting ammunition so Rhode Islanders are not mislead into adopting a ban that could significantly impact hunting in Rhode Island.

There has been no sound scientific evidence stating that traditional ammunition is having a population-level impact on any species in Rhode Island, which is how wildlife is managed.

Additionally, a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in North Dakota to address blood lead levels in hunters and their families did not find a health risk for those who consume wild game taken with lead ammunition.

A ban on lead ammunition would be disastrous for hunters and conservation as alternatives are significantly more expensive.  Hunters and target shooters are the largest supporters of federal conservation efforts through excise taxes levied on ammunition and firearms, and an increase in the cost of ammunition would reduce ammunition sales, affecting funding for vital conservation programs.  Since 1937, hunters and target shooters have contributed more than 7.2 billion dollars through the Pittman-Robertson Act for the benefit of all wildlife species.

The Committee will meet upon rise of the House in Room 205 of the Statehouse.  Hunters and shooters are encouraged to attend in opposition to this anti-hunting bill.  Please also contact members of the Committee and politely ask them to oppose H.5669.

Contact information for committee members is provided below.

House Committee on Environment and Natural Resources:

Representative Arthur Handy (D-18)
(401) 785-8996

Representative David Bennett (D-20)
(401) 648-1171

Representative Blake Filippi (I-36)
(401) 222-2466

Representative Micahel Marcello (D-41)
(401) 647-5905

Representative Helio Melo (D-64)
(401) 222-2738

Representative John Lombardi (D-8)
(401) 453-3900

Representative Joseph McNamara (D-19)
(401) 941-8319

Representative Eileen Naughton (D-21)
(401) 222-7904

Representative William O’Brien (D-54)
(401) 440-4063

Representative Jeremiah O’Grady (D-46)
(401) 725-7163

Representative Thomas Palangio (D-3)
(401) 248-8877

Representative Justin Price (R-39)
(401) 222-2259

Representative Scott Slater (D-10)
(401) 741-7641

Representative Carlos Tobon (D-58)
(401) 222-2466

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org