Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Plan To Phase Out Out Lead Ammunition

The Service has drafted a phaseout of lead ammunition on at least five National Wildlife Refuges in Virginia, West Virginia, and Maine.

Judge Blocking California’s Ammunition Background Checks Opens Restocking Floodgates

“This is a devastating blow to the anti-gunners. Red tape & state database errors made it impossible for hundreds of thousands of law-abiding Californians to purchase ammunition."

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Attn California Hunters: Phase 2 of Non-Lead Ammunition Requirements in Effect

Given the drastic changes caused by AB 711, its provisions were decided to be phased in over time, up until July 1, 2019, when they will be expanded to apply to all hunting with firearms in California

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Rep. Massie Takes Shot at Lead Ammunition Ban

“This isn’t about conservation. This is about reducing Americans’ ability to exercise their Second Amendment rights. "

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NSSF Leads Opposition to Ammo Ban Plan Attempt

Director’s Order 219 was published on the last full day of President Obama’s administration, without industry input and without scientific reasoning.

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NSSF Calls Foul On USFWS Director’s Parting Shot On Traditional Ammunition

NSSF condemned the decision by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe banning the use of traditional ammunition on Service lands in just five years...

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Obama Says Goodbye to America’s Gun Owners with an Ammo Ban

Like so much of what Barack Obama claimed as “accomplishments,” it will hopefully amount to little more than a symbolic act of defiance...

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A Phoenix From The Ashes Of The Lead Ammunition Group

The case for banning lead ammunition has always been based on exaggerating tiny levels of risk in an attempt to manufacture scare stories.

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No Further Restrictions on Lead Ammunition as DEFRA Rejects Flawed Report

The letter confirms that the Food Standards Agency will not be changing its advice on the consumption of game shot with lead ammunition and notes that "the report does not provide evidence of.....

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Minnesota House Panel Votes to Block DNR’s Lead-Shot Ban End Run

Minnesota state legislators last week moved to rein in a Department of Natural Resources that was trying to use the rulemaking process as a means to circumvent lawmakers.

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