CDFW To Hold Public Workshop on Lead Bullet Ban Implementation

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CDFW To Hold Public Workshop on Lead Bullet Ban Implementation
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Sacramento, CA -( The California Departme nt of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) will hold a public workshop Tuesday, August 19 to discuss the implementation of the lead bullet ban.

The workshop will be held at Chaffey College at 9375 Ninth Street in Rancho Cucamonga from 7-8:30 p.m. A CDFW representative will detail a proposed implementation plan, the PowerPoint is available on the CDFW website.

Following the short presentation, interested parties can make comments and provide input that will help shape CDFW’s final recommendation to the Fish and Game Commission, which CDFW anticipates presenting at the Commission’s meeting in Sacramento in September.

Last year, Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 711 requiring that the Commission adopt a regulation to ban lead ammunition in the state no later than July 1, 2015, with full implementation of the ban to occur no later than July 1, 2019. Governor Brown has directed CDFW and the Commission to work with all interested parties in order to produce a regulation that is least disruptive to the hunting community.

In order to determine what is least disruptive to hunters, CDFW has been reaching out to interested parties this year in a number of ways, including question and answer sessions at sportsmen’s shows, meetings with hunting organizations and now a series of public workshops throughout the state.

This is the final workshop in the series. Workshops were held in Ventura in April, Eureka in June, and Redding in July. Others are planned for Sacramento on July 29, San Diego on August 5 and Fresno on August 12.

About The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)

CDFW officers patrol more than 220,000 square miles of ocean and 159,000 square miles of land in California, while the number of wardens has increased in the last few years, California still has the lowest number of wildlife officers per capita in the United States.