Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

2014 Election Results: Big wins for GOP, pro-gun candidates; gains for background checks

The midterm elections came up in favor of the Republicans with GOP candidates winning a majority in the Senate as well as capturing and maintaining key gubernatorial races while a controversial background check initiative was voted in.

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Maine Deception: The Real Agenda of HSUS

Do you trust an anti-hunting special-interest group from Washington, D.C., with a shameful record of behavior? Or do you trust Maine’s bear biologists, guided by sound science? Vote No on question 1..

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Bear Whisperer Dedicates Show To Debunk the Anti-Hunting Referendum

We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United State. We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped, HSUS...

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HSUS Manipulates Judicial System in Attempt to Shut-Up Wildlife Biologists

All across the country people are being attacked by bears and Maine has many more bears. That is why Question 1 is dangerous, and that is what HSUS does not want the public to hear...

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Convicted Felon & Animal Rights Activist Harass Wisconsin Wolf Hunters

The group of animal rights activists, who call themselves the Great Lakes Wolf Patrol, are being led by none other than convicted felon and eco-terrorist, Rod Coronado....

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HSUS Attempts to Buy Election to Further Radical Agenda in Maine

The effort to ban Maine’s most effective bear hunting methods is being financed and controlled by one Washington D.C. special interest group, the Humane Society of the United States...

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Hunting On Public Lands At Risk! Contact Interior Secretary Now

Are we really to believe that HSUS finds hunting acceptable just so long as hunters use alternative ammunition???

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Animal Rights Nuts Bent on Destroying Conservation

What we have to realize that the radical minority that make up the anti-hunting animal rights nuts don’t just go away. Their ignorant agenda is to ban hunting & destroy conservation...

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Science Based Wolf Management / Hunting Now the Law in Michigan

If enough emotion & money could be leveraged into the mix, anti-hunters tried to override the intent of Proposal G through referendums designed to trump science in favor of hype. Not anymore...

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