Columbus, OH –-( partaking in the annual Wisconsin wolf hunt are finding themselves with unwanted partners, as a group of animal rights activists, led by a known eco-terrorist, are taking it upon themselves to trail sportsmen in the field this season.
The group of animal rights activists, who call themselves the Great Lakes Wolf Patrol, are being led by none other than convicted felon and eco-terrorist, Rod Coronado. The former spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front is known for his violent and radical animal rights protests, which have put him on the wrong side of the law – including a stint in federal prison.
The animal rights activist has a long history of direct action, particularly through incendiary tactics. In fact, in 1995 he was sentenced to almost five years in federal prison after being found guilty of firebombing Michigan State University and destroying 32 years of research. In 2006, Coronado served a year in prison for giving a speech in San Diego on how to start an arson fire, and in 2004 he was indicted and sentenced to eight months in prison for disrupting an Arizona mountain lion hunt by dismantling a lion trap and spreading mountain lion urine.
And those are just a few of his violent acts.
Gray wolves were delisted from the Endangered Species Act in 2011 after it was determined they had exceeded recovery goals, prompting Wisconsin to open a wolf-hunting season in 2012. Coronado and his group plan to trail gray wolf hunters and trappers as a form of protest and say they “plan to investigate potential illegal kills.”
“This is another over-the-top move by a convicted violent animal rights activist,” said Nick Pinizzotto, USSA president and CEO. “Coronado is known for his extremism and I encourage all sportsmen to be very aware when they enter the field in Wisconsin. Hunter harassment is illegal and should be reported immediately.”
Hunter harassment is illegal in Wisconsin with strict guidelines under statute 29.083. The statute restricts anyone from interfering with lawful hunting practices and violators may face prosecution and/or jail time.
“Grey wolves were delisted from the Endangered Species Act using sound science to guide the decision, a fact that radicals like Coronado and his group choose to ignore,” said Pinizzotto. “I highly encourage all sportsmen to familiarize themselves with Wisconsin’s hunter harassment laws before hitting the field this season. Any illegal activity by Coronado and his group should be reported immediately.”
About:The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance is a national association of sportsmen and sportsmen’s organizations that protects the rights of hunters, anglers and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and through public education programs. Visit