Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

NJ2AS Twitter Army – Emily Miller at NJ2AS Monthly Meeting 2/12/2014

I'd like to make sure we get the word out about Emily Miller speaking at the next NJ2AS meeting on February 12, 2014. Please re-tweet the following...

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Second Amendment Foundation Applauds Seattle Library Gun Policy, Donates Copy Of Miller Book

The Second Amendment Foundation today applauded the overdue policy change at Seattle's public libraries regarding the legal carry of firearms by law-abiding citizens in library facilities...

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Emily Miller talks ‘assault rifles’ with MSNBC, says they’re just like ‘hunting rifles’ (VIDEO)

Emily Miller, senior editor at the Washington Times and author of her recently released book, “Emily Gets Her Gun… But Obama Wants to Take Yours,” sat down with MSNBC’s Morning Joe to explain how AR-15 style rifles are functionally identical to hunting rifles. Miller said she didn’t grow up in a gun friendly family. In […]

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Watering the Grass Roots of Self-Defense

The next gun rights policy conference is in Chicago. You belong there no matter what kind of activists you are. You will go to hear the speakers. After that, you’ll come back again and again to meet people just like you...

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JPFO Presents Emily Miller with David & Goliath Award

JPFO presented Emily Miller with the David & Goliath award for her outstanding reporting on the byzantine 17 step process that it takes to legally obtain a handgun in Washington, D. C..

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Emily Miller to Speak at Virginia Citizens Defense League Meeting

Emily Miller is going to be speaking about her new book at the VCDL membership meeting this Wednesday...

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Emily Miller shuts down Piers Morgan on gun crime statistics in America (VIDEO)

CNN’s sensationalist gun-control advocate, Piers Morgan, sat down with Emily Miller to discuss gun control laws in America and the assault on the Second Amendment in her newly released book “Emily Gets Her Gun… But Obama Wants To Take Yours.” Piers tried to combat Miller with emotionally charged, red herring, isolated incidents, but Miller wouldn’t […]

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Emily Miller: Washington D.C. cops aim to arrest tourists with empty bullet casings

D.C. police are under orders to arrest tourists and non-residents who transport spent bullet or shotgun casings into the District, according to Emily Miller of the Washington Times.

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Emily Miller Discusses Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Guns

Cam Edwards talks to Emily Miller from The Washington Times about being at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing entitled "What Should America Do About Gun Violence???

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High-Capacity Magazine Myth: Anti-Gun Crowd Deliberately Misleads the Public

Cam Edwards talks to Emily Miller, who wrote this article for the Washington Times: The high-capacity magazine myth, Anti-gun crowd deliberately misleads the public...

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