NJ2AS Twitter Army – Emily Miller at NJ2AS Monthly Meeting 2/12/2014

Emily Gets Her Gun But Obama Wants to Take Yours
Emily Gets Her Gun But Obama Wants to Take Yours
NJ2AS Twitter Army
NJ2AS Twitter Army

New Jersey –-(Ammoland.com)- I’d like to make sure we get the word out about Emily Miller speaking at the next NJ2AS meeting on February 12, 2014 at the South Jersey Shooting Club 840 Piney Hollow Road Winslow, NJ 08043.

Second Amendment supporter and author Emily Miller will be signing copies of her book “Emily Gets Her Gun” and posing for photos.

I intend to be there and hope to see many of you there too.

Please copy and paste the following Tweets from now until the event so we can have a huge turnout:

  • #NJ2AS will host author @EmilyMiller at our monthly meeting at South Jersey Shooting Club on 2/12/14  http://bit.ly/1f2XYq4 All Welcome! #2A
  • On 2/12 #2A author @EmilyMiller will speak at #NJ2AS‘ monthly meeting in Winslow, NJ  http://bit.ly/1f2XYq4  Please join us, all are welcome
  • “Emily Gets Her Gun” author @EmilyMiller speaking at #NJ2AS meeting 2/12 South Jersey Shooting Club Winslow, NJ  http://bit.ly/1f2XYq4 #2A
  • Please join #NJ2AS & #2A supporter & author @EmilyMiller on 2/12 in Winslow, NJ at South Jersey Shooting Club  http://bit.ly/1f2XYq4
  • Register here  http://bit.ly/1f2XYq4 for #2A author @EmilyMiller at #NJ2AS meeting 2/12 in South Jersey Shooting Club Winslow, NJ
  • All are Welcome! #NJ2AS meeting featuring #2A author @EmilyMiller 2/12 South Jersey Shooting Club Winslow, NJ http://bit.ly/1f2XYq4

You’ve done a fantastic job during our Sweeney events and I want to thank everyone that’s been participating. Please keep up the great work and let’s make sure we have a full house on February 12th! I look forward to seeing all of you there! If you’re going to attend, please register yourselves for this event here http://bit.ly/1f2XYq4
Warm regards,

Social Media Coordinator

New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Our mission is to promote the free exercise of Second Amendment rights within the community and Legislature of New Jersey, to educate the community regarding the enjoyable, safe, and responsible use of firearms, and to engender a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among the members and their families. Visit: www.nj2as.com