Emily Miller to Speak at Virginia Citizens Defense League Meeting

Emily Miller
Emily Miller
Virginia Citizens Defense League
Virginia Citizens Defense League

Covington VA –-(Ammoland.com)- Emily Miller is going to be speaking about her new book at the VCDL membership meeting this Wednesday.

This is evolving and more details will be provided soon.

As with all VCDL membership meetings, the public is welcome to attend, so bring your friends, family, and co-workers!

The meeting, which is held at the Mason Government Center in Annandale, will be called to order at 8 PM, with fellowship starting at 7:30 PM. The meeting will end at 9:30 PM, with continued fellowship at a local restaurant.

For directions, click here: https://www.vcdl.org/meetings.html


Board member Bruce Jackson will be at the meeting. If you need any supplies such as cards or brochures or desire shirts or mouse pads etc just drop him a line and let him know. His address is bruce@vcdl.org

Action Item: we need to stop proposed changes to the National Firearms Act (NFA) dealing with trusts!

Trusts have been a great way to handle NFA items, such as machine guns or silencers. Now NFA trusts are under attack by President Obama in a scheme that will make it much more onerous than it already is to get an NFA item.

More information and and action item are contained in this short article. Thanks to Member James Durso for the link:

Fron soldiersystems.net: https://tinyurl.com/pmcf8u8

Action Item: York County Board of Supervisors to consider modifications to the Lafayette Gun Club

On Tuesday at 6 PM in York Hall, the York County Board of Supervisors is going to consider some modifications that the Lafayette Gun Club wants to make to its property. The Planning Commission made some changes and passed the item to the Board of Supervisors for action.

Information about the meeting is here: https://www.yorkcounty.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=1900

Some of the neighbors are opposing the changes, so it is important that we have a good turnout supporting Lafayette. I will be there representing VCDL.

If you live in York County, send a supportive email to your Board of Supervisors member.

The Board of Supervisors contact information is here: https://www.yorkcounty.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=1756

VCDL President to be on the Coffeehouse Radio Show on Thursday

Keith Morgan, the President of the West Virginia Citizens Defense League, and I will be on the Coffeehouse Radio Show talking about our respective organizations – history, accomplishments, and what we will be doing next year in our respective General Assemblies.

We will be on at 10 AM this Thursday, September 19th.

Here is information on the Coffeehouse Radio Show with a link to listen to the show live: https://www.TheCoffeehouseRadioShow.com

(Michael Perri, the show’s host, is a member of both WVCDL and VCDL.)

Looks like Lynchburg PD is blowing smoke on needing detectives to do CHP background checks

CHP background checks are so quick and inexpensive to run that the Campbell County Sherifff’s office isn’t even charging for them. The Hopewell Sheriff and VCDL member, Greg Anderson, independently confirmed that the checks are indeed quick and easy. Sheriff Anderson uses the same person who operates the VCIN (Virginia Criminal Information Network) system to do the CHP background checks. (BTW, do NOT confuse the Hopewell Sheriff’s Department with the Hopewell Police Department. It was the police department whose officers unlawfully detained VCDL member Brander Howard for openly carrying a rifle.)

Another VCDL member who worked doing CHP background checks in the past also confirmed that the checks are quick and easy.

I continue to believe that all the Lynchburg PD is doing is providing perks to their detectives at the expense of CHP applicants.

Gun Rights Policy Conference coming up in Houston at end of month – VCDL President on panel

I will be on the State Legislative Panel at the Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) on Saturday, September 28th, in Houston, Texas. We will have at least seven VCDL Board and Executive members there. (GRPC is an annual meeting where most of the gun-rights leaders from across the country meet to discuss strategies on protecting our right to keep and bear arms.)

Here are details about the annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. It is free to attend and it is open to all gun owners: https://saf.org/default.asp?p=grpc

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right. Visit: www.vcdl.org