Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

The Trashing of Conservative Gun Owners

Today, if you listen to politicians, the news media and their talking heads, conservative gun owners like you & me are the problem...

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Does Black Success Matter?

We have heard a lot about black students failing to meet academic standards. So you might think that it would be front-page news...

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The Dumbest Idea

Are women and men not to be allowed to make different decisions as to how they choose to spend their time and live their lives?

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Will the West Survive the Century?

As for Trumpism and the Brexiteers, Mr. President, in the words of Jimmy Durante, "you ain't seen nothing yet."

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What Are We Celebrating?

Today, too many Americans take freedom for granted, as just another entitlement, something that does not require them to take any personal responsibility.

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Free Condoms – What Could Go Wrong?

Liberals arrogantly depict conservatives as reality-challenged, but here again, that is nothing but projection from those who never let reality get in the way of their agenda.

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The Fact-Free Gun Control Farce

Tragically, gun control has become one of those fact-free issues that spawn outbursts of emotional rhetoric and mutual recriminations about the National Rifle Association or the Second Amendment.

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Trump’s Revised Tax Plan: Will it be Acceptable to Conservatives?

Now that Donald Trump has locked up the Republican nomination, we can look more closely at his policy proposals. In April, when the two candidates were still battling for the Republican.....

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Trump vs. Reagan: What is a Conservative?

Many of Donald Trump’s supporters have compared him to President Ronald Reagan. But many longtime Reagan conservatives beg to differ. Is Donald Trump a conservative?

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Why Trump Must Not Apologize

It would be to capitulate to pressure, to tell a lie to stop the beating, to grovel before the Inquisition of Political Correctness..

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Is Personal Responsibility Obsolete?: Part II

People in a number of countries are coming up with new proposals on the theme of government-provided income - relieving people from personal responsibility...

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