Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

John Podesta: The Clintons’ Principal Political Operative

Wiki leaks reveals John Podesta as a powerful political figure who has risen to be the most powerful Democrat operative in the nation.

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Hillary Clinton’s “Progressive Vision” of Religious Freedom

The 2016 debates are history, and although nearly every topic was hammered to heaven, one was not broached at all: a First Amendment guarantee that makes us uniquely American.

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Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton: You’re Hired?

It is sobering to be reminded of the significance of the office of the president of the United States and the role this person has historically played.

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Lying, Serial Lying, and the 2016 Presidential Race ~ VIDEO

Voters are left with a choice between the type of liar they want to vote for? Compulsive lies, serial lies, pathological lies, or white lies.

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Thoughts on the Passing of Three Sports Legends

With the recent passing of Arnold Palmer, yet another all-time great sports icon has left us in 2016.....

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Presidents Make Policy, Generals Make Plans

Over the next two presidential debates, we can expect questions for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump about their respective plans for dealing with ISIS.....

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Hillary Clinton’s Estate Tax Proposal

“Hillary Clinton Proposes 65% Top Rate for Estate Tax” blared a headline in The Wall Street Journal. Since the current top statutory tax rate on estates.....

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A Memo to Washington: Don’t Box in Our Freedom

In this article, Dr. Gary Welton shares how a novel series by author C. J. Box has helped to shed light on some of the current political frustrations.

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The Great Ty Cobb

Charles Leerhsen's “Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty” may be the most important baseball book in decades. It is historically significant in two respects: First, it is the definitive biography of.....

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How Mother Teresa Challenged Hillary Clinton on Abortion

Two very different women on the minds of Christians right now are Mother Teresa, with her canonization on Sept. 4, and Hillary Clinton, with her name on the presidential ballot in November.

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Storm Clouds Are on the Horizon

In predictable economic times, it makes sense—indeed it is essential—to put money aside and save for the coming rainy day.

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