By John Crump
USA – -( We are willing to let politician push to take away our right at an alarming rate.
We are letting our way of life slip away. Patriotism is looked down upon or in some cases even outright banned.
American exceptionalism is not taken seriously. People think the American dream is dead. If this trend continues we will lose what makes Americans unique.
It is time to wake up, America. It is time to push back.
Are we really willing to let our rights be taken? This week four bills were narrowly defeated that would have encroached on not only our right to bear arms, but also our right to due process.
“You can petition and prove that you’re innocent and get off of the watch list,” Senator Dianne Feinstein said.
Let that sink in for a moment. Instead of innocent until proven guilty, Senator Feinstein is pushing guilty until proven innocent. She wants to put the burden of proof on the accused. That should scare anyone that someone holding that much power wants to push such a draconian and unconstitutional law through the Senate.
Senator Manchin went on national TV and argued against due process by saying “Due process is what’s killing us right now.”
We live in a time and age where an elected senator can go on national TV and campaign against one of the core foundations of the United States of America. That is very scary that a Senator would hold that belief. We are traveling down a very slippery slope at a very fast pace. By framing it in so called “safety reasons” our rights are being stripped away one by one “for our own good”.
Freedom of religion doesn’t exist anymore (Unless it is one of the approved minority religions). When bakers are put out of business for following their religious beliefs and companies are forced to choose between following their religious beliefs or being in compliance with the health care laws we are getting to the point where one can not practice their religion without the government coming down on them for their beliefs.
We live in a time when saying the word “God” will get your kids suspended from school. Even for the non-religious Americans they should find it scary that the government is acting as thought police.
Josh Wolf, an American reporter, was jailed for not giving up his video tapes of a protest where a police officer choked one protester while threatening another with a taser. Josh Wolf served 226 days in federal prison for standing up for freedom of the press. Judith Miller, a former New York Times reporter, was jailed for not revealing her source for a story on Iraq. Could you imagine what would have happened if the source in Watergate was scared to come forward because the government might have gone after Woodward and Bernstein forcing them to reveal the identity of Deep Throat? Freedom of the press is under attack.
Civil Forfeiture laws allow police to legally steal money. Tan Nguyen won $50,000 at a casino. As he was leaving a casino he was pulled over. The police noticed the large sum of money and they confiscated it. There was no evidence of a crime, but they still took the money. The same cop took $2,400 from another man even though no crime was committed.
This isn’t a story of one rogue cop. It is happening across the country every day.
George Reby was on his way to buy a car with the $22,000 he had saved up for the car he had his eye on for a while. He was stopped by police and was asked if they could search his car even though they did not have probable cause. Having nothing to hide he agreed and figured it would be quicker than saying no. They found the cash he had planned to use to buy the car and it was seized because police “could not rule out that it was from criminal activity.” These abuses are happening across the country. Money, cars, and houses are being seized without due process, and the way law enforcement is getting away with it is saying they are not charging the person with anything. They are charging the property and as such the property isn’t protected by constitutional rights. This means instead of the burden of proof resting with the prosecution the defendant has to prove their innocence.
Eminent Domain
While we are on property rights the government is using eminent domain to seize property from one private party and give it to another private property if it will increase tax revenues. Your house that has been in your family for generations can be taken away from you and given to a developer to build a shopping center or hotel and you have no recourse in fighting this. This isn’t what eminent domain was created for. Property is supposed to belong to the individual and not the state. Do you really own your property when someone can come in and just take it from you, or do you just maintain it until the government sees fit to take it and give to someone else?
The right to privacy is dead. The government is collecting metadata from every cell phone in the country for “national security”. They know who you talk to, when you talk to them, and how long you talked without a warrant. The government also tried to force Apple’s hand by trying to get them to create a backdoor into every iPhone on the planet. They tried to say it was because they needed to get into the San Bernardino shooter’s phone, but anyone who knows about technology realizes that doesn’t make any sense. That is like needing keys to every house in the neighborhood to get into a single house.
It is not just the executive and legislative branches taking away your rights. The judicial branch is helping our happy march towards tyranny. This week the US Supreme Court ruled that evidence seized in an illegal search is admissible in court. This is a direct violation of the fourth amendment.
I can not fathom how they came to decide that it is OK to violate the Constitution so blantly.
The one thing the Founding Fathers all agreed upon was the need to safeguard liberty from tyranny. That safeguard was the right to bear arms.
George Mason, co-author of the second amendment, once said, “To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them.”
He was right. Without the second amendment the rest are just words written on a piece of parchment.
I saw a pundit on TV saying the Founding Fathers would be horrified that people had AR15s.
I know the Founding Fathers wouldn’t be horrified of that because they wanted the people to have the same weapons as the military. What they would be horrified of is the National Firearms Act, California’s gun laws, the rhetoric that politicians use to make guns sound like the ring from “Lord of The Rings”, and they would be horrified that I need to have a permit to carry a concealed handgun.
They would wonder why people didn’t have tanks. They wouldn’t be for more gun laws, they would be shooting at this point.
How are the politician’s getting away with this? I had to think long and hard about this, but then it came to me. It is the media. I am not talking about just the news. I am talking about movies, music, books, and TV as well. They are trying to erode what it is to be an American.They are taking away our uniqueness.
America is still an exceptional country. For many generations the cornerstone was individual liberty, but that is being taken away. From the president’s “You didn’t build that” to the expansion of the welfare state the idea that individual liberty is an outdated concept is being pushed by the powers that be in Hollywood. Individual liberty is being replaced by governmental controls. We are becoming cogs in the system.
Our sense of pride is eroding. The US has done more good in this world than any other nation that ever existed. We have freed more people than the rest of the world combined. That isn’t the story that Hollywood is pushing. They are pushing an image that we are a force for evil. They push the idea that we shouldn’t be proud to be an American and that Americans are stupid in comparison to our European counterparts. The only country to go to the moon, invented the internet, cured polio, and almost every other breakthrough in the last 100 years is full of bumbling buffoons. That is the idea that is being pushed.
In some of our schools the American flag is banned because it might be offensive to some students. If you are in an American school and you find the American flag offensive you shouldn’t be in our schools. People are posting pictures standing on the flag in what is known as the “Eric Sheppard Challenge”. A certain rapper was shown jumping up and down on the flag. Other people are saying it is just a “piece of fabric”. One politician compared the flag on fire trucks to ISIS and demanded that all the flags be removed. We are told it represents of racist past.
The truth is the flag is not just another piece of fabric. It is a symbol for good. It represents my grandparents. It represents my mother, my father, my freedom, and it represents me. It represents the resistance to tyranny. It represents liberty. It is much more than just a flag. Many people died for what that “piece of fabric” represents.
To disrespect it is to downplay Old Glory’s meaning. It takes away a part of who we are, but that is the goal.
The Taliban and ISIS are infamous for destroying historical statues. I guess that is something we are learning from them. Names of southern leaders (even abolitionist) are being removed
from schools and parks. People want to remove statues of Jefferson because he owned slaves. Various veterans memorials are being vandalized at an alarming rate. We are erasing our history one statue at a time. We are erasing it one park at a time. When we lose that there is no way to get it back.
We are told you can’t be successful without the government’s help. That we need a “living wage” and the government is going to mandate what a company is going to have to pay you even though they will have to cut jobs to do so. Don’t worry though if your job gets cut there is always welfare. The government will take care of you. All you have to do is submit yourself to voting for the politician that is going to give you free stuff.
The thing is it is not free. That money you are getting came from someone else. It didn’t come from the super rich either. They can hide their money. It came from the middle class. It came from the very people trying to pursue their American dream. They earned it and it was stolen from them and given to you. Politicians say people who want to keep their money are greedy. I say greed lies with the people who want to take what I earn away from me for themselves.
The government isn’t Robin Hood. Robin Hood didn’t steal from the rich to give to the poor. Robin Hood stole the poor’s money back from the evil tax collector and gave it back to the rightful owners. What the government is doing is redistributing the money of the middle class causing the middle class to disintegrate and end up dependent on the government while the gap between the ruling class and the rest of the people continues to get bigger and will eventually become insurmountable.
This is creating an artificial caste system turning us to subjects while killing the American dream.
Time You Make a Choice
We as Americans have a choice to make. We can continue down the road to soft tyranny and give in to a happy fascist society, or we can take back our country. We can vow to vote out any politicians that tries to take away our rights regardless of political party. We can stop giving our money to movies and television that are anti American. We can stop patronizing any business that uses eminent domain for their gain. There is a lot we can do.
We can practice civil disobedience. Carry your concealed gun everywhere even where it is not wanted. Don’t be disarmed. Obeying a sign that doesn’t carry the weight of law will never trump my right to be able to defend myself and my family in the most effective manner. I refuse to be a soft target and you should refuse to be a soft target too.
Local sheriffs should not enforce unconstitutional laws. Law enforcement took an oath not to the Government, but to the Constitution. The same goes for the military. Uphold your oath. Defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Anyone trying to take away my rights I consider an enemy.
Molon Labe!
Do not be disarmed. Do not comply with any gun registration. Remember the right to bear arms is the lynch pin of all other rights. Once that is gone our protection from a tyrannical government is gone. When I see an AR15 I don’t see the evil killing machine that the people of the left want me to see. I see liberty. I see a defense against tyranny. For when I hold an AR15 in my hand I hold the key to freedom. It is meant to keep the power with the people.
Join the III% United Patriots, The Three Percenters, or Oath Keepers. Become active in defending your rights. It is funny that by joining a group that mission is to uphold the Constitution you can be considered an extremist, and you can call me that if you want. I am committed to making sure that the country I know and love doesn’t die with my generation. I am committed to making sure my children grow up knowing liberty and freedom and not tyranny. This is my promise, and I intend to keep it. If that makes me an extremist then I guess I am OK with that.
So what will it be America? Liberty or tyranny? It is your choice.
About John Crump
John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast which can be found at John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and The Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on the history of the patriot movement and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss or at