Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

CBS News Wants Guns for Them.. But Not for You ~ VIDEO

A CBS TV news crew was protected by an armed guard. CBS also condemns ordinary citizens for being armed. Ah, the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.

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‘60 Minutes’ Either Duped by Gillibrand’s NRA Stance or Helping Her Cover Tracks

That Gillibrand would try to cover her tracks by downplaying her involvement with “gun rights” to one of “mistakenly” pandering to hunters is not surprising.

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Poll finds more Americans favor gun control, fewer gun owners

Fifty-seven percent of those asked said laws covering gun sales should be more strict, according to poll by CBS News taken June 13-14.

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CBS – 60 Minutes Showcases “Smart” Guns Technology

You may be wondering why CBS 60 Minutes aired a segment on “smart” guns last Sunday. After all, a gun that will never work in the hands of an unauthorized person, but that will always work in the.....

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When CBS Guest Says Ar-15 Norah O’donnell Hears ‘Full-Auto’

It's very clear: The gun is not the problem; the criminals who use them for evil are. And the laws that force innocent people to sit unarmed in public places only embolden the criminals with evil intent...

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CBS Scoops Contempt Vote, Claims Credit For Nationally Breaking Fast And Furious

This Fast and Furious gunwalking story, that now reaches into the highest levels of government, was exposed nationally for the first time by new media, not old.

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Origins Of Fast And Furious Story Important For Media To Get Right

It's important for media to get the origins of the gunwalking story right, not just as a matter of proper credit, but because it signifies an evolution in journalism away from establishment gatekeepeers who have been controlling and spinning information to suit their agenda. This represents a significant move away from that paradigm.

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